LIST: 14 Foods That Burn Fat And Make You Skinny (Science)

Did you know that some foods can help you burn fat and speed up your weight loss rate? They can help you lose weight faster in several ways, such as improving your metabolism, reducing hunger, and increasing your satiety.

Guess what? Chia pudding and green tea are not the only foods that burn fat. Just because someone on Instagram is raving about their matcha tea doesn’t mean you need to like it as well.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  1. Exactly which foods help you burn fat
  2. How to incorporate them in your diet
  3. What the research has to say about them

Forcing yourself to eat and do everything that other people are doing is one of the reasons why many people fail and quit. E.g., some people try crash diets that claim to help with super fast weight loss. However, most of it will be water weight that will come back when they start eating normally again. You’ll not be able to burn fat on a crash diet.

The foods you’ll see on this guide have proven weight loss benefits. Unlike some crash diets, these foods can help you burn fat. Without further ado, let’s get started.

1.  MCT Oil Is One of The Best Foods That Burn Fat

MCT oil is one of the latest trending superfoods in the diet world. It’s a supplement made out of medium chain triglycerides extracted from coconut or palm oil. Unlike long chain fatty acids, the medium chain fatty acids are quickly metabolized and used for energy without the help of bile.

MCT oil can help you burn fat in several ways, such as increasing your satiety, reducing cholesterol, and boosting your metabolism [1].

One study investigated the effect of MCT oil and olive oil on weight and fat loss in 49 overweight men and women. The participants were put on a 16-week weight loss program and received either 18-24 g/d of MCT oil or olive oil. Results showed that those who consumed MCT oil had higher weight and fat loss than the olive oil group [2].

Are you wondering why not just eat the coconut oil if MCT comes from it?

Well, you can, but you’d have to eat at least 7-8 tablespoons of coconut oil to receive the same amount of MCTs you’d get from one tbsp of MCT oil. Consuming such a large quantity of coconut oil per day is not a good idea.

How to use MCT oil to burn fat:

  • You can add MCT oil to your morning coffee, smoothies, shakes & salads.
  • Start with a low dosage of 1-2 tsp per day for a few days to see how your body reacts to it.
  • The maximum recommended dosage is 2 tbsp per day.
  • MCT oil is available in liquid, capsule, and powder form.

2. Eggs, Yes, Eggs Can Burn Fat!

Eggs are probably the last thing you were expecting to see on this list of foods that burn fat. A lot of people believe consuming eggs, especially the yolk, will make them gain weight. That’s not entirely true. They’re one of the best foods to lose weight if you eat them the right way. Eggs will only contribute to weight gain if you regularly consume them in a free-living condition.

Eggs have proven weight loss benefits when consumed as part of a healthy balanced diet. E.g., one study examined the effectiveness of eggs for breakfast vs. bagel for breakfast in 152 overweight/obese participants. Results revealed that the egg diet group had a 65% greater weight loss and 16% greater fat loss compared to the bagel diet group [3].

The conclusion of this study supports our statement that eggs can help you lose weight when you consume them in a restricted-calorie diet, not in a free-living condition.

How to burn fat with eggs:

  1. We’re not going to tell you how to eat your eggs, but what we do recommend is to have 2-3 eggs for breakfast.
  2. Boil it, poach it, bake it, or go for a classic cheesy egg omelet. Feel free to eat the eggs however way you like.
  3. Make sure you’re doing this on a low-calorie diet if you’re trying to lose weight.

3. Avocados

It’s the avocado era. From baked avocado egg to avocado ice cream, this delicious fruit is rocking the diet world. Avocados are also one of the best foods that burn fat. They can help you lose weight by making you feel satiated for longer and reducing bad cholesterol.

A 2015 study investigated the effect of three cholesterol-lowering diets in 45 overweight/obese participants. One was a low-fat diet, one moderate fat diet that used high oleic acid oils, and one was an avocado diet in which participants consumed 1 (136 g)avocado per day. They found that the avocado diet significantly reduced bad cholesterol without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol than the moderate fat diet [4].

Another study found that consuming one half of an avocado per day increased satiety for 3-5 hours in overweight participants [5]. This means you’re less likely to overeat and consume junk foods that can cause weight gain.

How to use avocado to burn fat:

  1. There’s no right or wrong way to include avocado in your diet, so enjoy them in whatever way that feels best for you.
  2. Including half of an avocado with any one of your meals per day is a widely practiced approach, and the above study also supports it.

4. Whey Protein

If you thought whey protein is only for building muscles, you’re wrong. Whey protein can help you burn fat, and allow you to reap the overall health benefits of protein.

A 2008 study investigated the effect of whey protein for weight loss in 158 obese participants. In this study, the participants were put on a restricted-calorie diet and received either a whey protein drink or an isocaloric drink 20 mins before breakfast and dinner every day [6].

Results showed that although both groups lost a significant amount of weight, fat loss was higher in the whey protein group. They also noted that whey protein helped preserve lean muscle mass.

How to use whey protein to burn fat:

Drink it as a shake after a workout or 20 mins before breakfast and dinner.

5. Turmeric

You may have come across turmeric as a spice used in Indian foods. However, turmeric is more than just an exotic spice!

Turmeric, also known as Curcumin, is an ancient spice with powerful medicinal properties. It has been proven to be useful to treat many health conditions such as inflammatory diseases, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and high blood cholesterol [7].

One study investigated the effect of turmeric in 44 overweight participants with metabolic syndrome, impaired glucose intolerance, and hormonal weight gain. After following 30 days of diet and lifestyle changes to lose weight, the participants were treated with turmeric for an additional 30 days [8].

Their results revealed the following:

  • Turmeric increased weight loss from 1.88 to 4.91%.
  • The fat loss went from 0.70 to 8.43%.
  • Waist reduction went from 2.36 to 4.14%.

How to use turmeric to burn fat:

  1. Turmeric absorbs better when you combine it with black pepper.
  2. Add a tsp of turmeric and some black pepper to your curries, soups, and other dishes that require spices.
  3. Try the turmeric tea, also known as golden milk (recipes can be found on YouTube).
  4. Turmeric is available in capsule form with black pepper for better absorption.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

The aloe vera has been used for thousands of years for various health and beauty purposes. It’s more famous in Egypt, Greece, India, and a few other Asian countries. The aloe vera plant contains numerous active components that are responsible for its medicinal properties. Some of those active components are antioxidants, enzymes that reduce inflammation, essential minerals, hormones, and fatty acids [9].

One study found that aloe vera gel helped reduce body weight, BMI, and insulin resistance in obese prediabetic patients [10]. Another study conducted in obese mice found that dietary aloe vera gel helped improve insulin sensitivity [11].

The reason we’re highlighting the two studies above is that insulin resistance is one of the main reasons why many people find it difficult to lose weight. If aloe vera gel can help improve insulin resistance, it means it can help you burn fat.

How to use aloe vera to burn fat:

  1. You can drink it as a juice if you have access to fresh aloe vera gel. All you need to do is to scoop out the gel inside an aloe vera leaf and blend it in a blender with water. Add some ice cubes for a refreshing cold drink, or you can also add some lemon juice and honey to make it taste better.
  2. Add fresh aloe vera gel to foods like smoothies and shakes.
  3. Alternatively, you can buy pure aloe vera juice from any reputable brands or consume it in capsule form.

7. Burn Fat With Fatty Fish

Foods like fatty fish have been found to burn fat and speed up weight loss. Fatty fish like salmon and sardines are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that have great health benefits, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A 2015 meta-analysis study found that fish oil supplementation with a healthy food diet significantly reduced abdominal fat and waist circumference in obese adults [12]. Incorporating fatty fish in your diet may help you lose stubborn belly fat.

In another study, 44 men and women participants were randomly assigned to receive either 4 g/d of safflower oil or 4 g/d of fish oil for six weeks. Results showed that those who consumed fish oil had a significant fat loss and increased muscle mass compared to the other group.

They also found a reduction in salivary cortisol (stress hormone) in the fish oil group. This is good news because stress can also contribute to weight gain.

How to use fatty fish to burn fat:

  1. The simplest way to do that is to add oily fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna in your diet.
  2. You can also reap its weight loss benefits in fish oil or capsule form.

8. Probiotics

Have you ever come across the statement that not all bacteria is bad for you? It’s true. Probiotics are known as good bacteria, and they can help improve your health in many ways, such as improving your gut health and reducing inflammation. Probiotics are also one of the best underrated superfoods.

According to emerging research, the condition of your gut microbiota can be associated with weight gain or loss. Some evidence suggests that probiotics can be used to improve your gut microbiota and reduce the risk of obesity [13].

In a recent study, 94 obese participants completed a 12-week weight loss program in which they also received either two probiotic supplements per day or two placebo capsules. Results showed a significant reduction in weight, and increased satiety, especially in the women participants [14].

How to use probiotics to burn fat:

  1. You don’t necessarily have to take probiotic supplements because probiotics can be found in several foods such as plain yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, buttermilk, and kombucha.
  2. Take probiotic supplements if you’re unable to consume the above food types for whatever reason.

9. Consume Black Seed Oil To Burn Fat

Black seed oil, also known as black cumin oil and Nigella sativa oil, is another ancient superfood that has been gaining a lot of attention lately.  Thymoquinone is one of the main active components responsible for the pharmacological properties of black seed oil. Some of those medicinal benefits include anti-cancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties [15].

Sometimes, excess belly fat could mean an underlying health condition such as metabolic syndrome. Some research indicates that black seed oil might be useful for treating this condition [16].

A 2018 systematic review found that black seed oil significantly reduced body weight and BMI in adults compared to placebo. They researched up to 13 randomized clinical trials to obtain their results [17].

Nigella sativa oil has also been found to be useful for treating thyroid function, another major cause of weight loss difficulties in many women [18].

How to use black seed oil to burn fat:

  1. The black seed oil has a neutral taste, a bit like oregano, and you can drink it as an oil. Follow the dosage instructions given by the manufacturer.
  2. Add it to foods like salads, smoothies, and shakes.
  3. You can also consume it in capsule form if you don’t like the smell of the oil.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that’s been used for cooking and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It’s a rich source of antioxidants and is useful for treating many health conditions such as bacterial infections and heart disease [19].

Cinnamon is one of the best foods that burn fat in several ways, such as inducing browning in subcutaneous adipocytes; it’s a process that can help you burn more calories and reduces the risk of obesity [20].

A 2019 systematic review investigated the effect of cinnamon on obesity. They researched 679 records from various databases and found that cinnamon supplementation had a significant reduction in body weight, fat mass, and waist circumference. They concluded that it could be recommended for obesity management [21].

How to use cinnamon to burn fat:

  1. A popular remedy is to mix half a tsp of cinnamon with 1 tsp of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it every morning.
  2. You can also use fresh Ceylon cinnamon to spice up your curries, soups, and other dishes.

11. Burn Fat With Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper can help you burn fat by making you feel fuller for longer so that you don’t overeat or cheat on your diet. It can also help you burn more calories by increasing your metabolic rate.

In one study, 75 healthy participants were randomly assigned to receive 2 mg, or 4 mg of capsaicinoids (CAPs) extract or placebo for 12 weeks. CAPs is one of the main components of chili peppers. Results showed that 4 mg of CAPs extract helped reduce body fat and fat mass compared to placebo [22].

How to use cayenne pepper to burn fat:

  1. Mix about 1 tsp of cayenne pepper powder in a glass of warm water and drink it every day.
  2. You can also sprinkle it on foods like soups, curries, and salads.

12. Grapefruit

In a 2006 study, 91 obese participants were randomized to receive either placebo capsules with apple juice or grapefruit in three forms: juice, fresh fruit, or capsules. The grapefruit or placebo was given three times a day before each meal for 12 weeks.

Results showed that the grapefruit group lost a significant amount of body weight compared to placebo, and the fresh grapefruit group lost the most weight [23]. Another key finding of this study is that grapefruit consumption also improved insulin resistance, which is one of the contributing factors of weight gain.

How to use grapefruit to burn fat:

  1. Any three forms (juice, fresh fruit, or capsules) will do, but according to the study above, half of a fresh grapefruit before each meal yields best results.

13. Almonds

Almonds can help you burn fat in several ways, such as:

  • Making you feel fuller for longer.
  • Helping you to sleep better because poor sleep can contribute to weight gain.
  • Reducing stress, which is another culprit behind weight loss difficulties.

In one study, 65 overweight completed a 24-week low-calorie diet weight loss program. They also received either almonds (84 g/d) or other sources of complex carbs. Results showed that the almond group had higher weight and fat reduction compared to the complex carb group [24].

How to use almonds to burn fat:

  1. Add them to your salads.
  2. Keep a small packet in your bedroom to eat when your cravings kick in.
  3. Mix them in your smoothies and shakes.
  4. The choices are endless, but feel free to consume almonds; however way you like.

14: Lemon Juice

This list of foods that burn fat cannot be complete without the classic lemon water remedy. It may promote weight loss by increasing satiety and boosting your metabolism.

In a 2015 study, 84 premenopausal women were divided into three groups. One was a placebo diet group, one lemon detox diet group, and one control group. Findings revealed that lemon detox, combined with a calorie-restricted diet produced better fat loss and improvement in insulin resistance compared to the other groups [25].

In another study, 50 healthy participants completed a lemon honey juice fasting program in which they consumed 300 ml of lemon honey juice, four times a day. Their results also showed a significant reduction in body weight, fat mass, and BMI [26].

How to use lemon juice to burn fat:

  1. The lemon honey mix is a popular weight loss remedy. Mix some lemon juice and honey in warm water and drink it every morning or 30 minutes before each meal.


  1. Some of the foods listed above will only help you lose weight when you consume them as part of a low-calorie diet. For instance, eggs will only help you burn fat when you consume it as part of a low-calorie diet.
  2. You do not have to try all of the foods listed above to lose weight. Pick a few that suits you the best, and try it for some time before moving on to another.
  3. Some foods such as cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper, and MCT oil might not be suitable for everyone. Check with your doctor first if you have any health conditions that might interfere with them.
  4. Research about the side effects and dosage of new foods, especially spices and oils, to prevent any adverse effects.
  5. If you wish to try the MCT oil, make sure to start with a lower dosage (1-2 tsp per day) first to see how your body responds. You may also want to start by dilute it by adding it to other foods such as salads and shakes.
  6. Remember that weight loss is not a steady process, which means you may not lose pounds week after week. There will be some days when you might put on a few pounds, but you’ll eventually reach your goal if you keep at it.


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