15 Smart Tips How to Get a Skinnier Face

When men and women gain weight, especially women, it is not uncommon to notice unwanted change in the facial area too i.e. a puffier appearance. Oh, no! Even though weight gain is mostly associated with bigger buttocks, hips, or belly, surplus facial fat is also possible. Unfortunately, being overweight or obese can cause one to develop so-called baby cheeks.

Believe it or not, ‘how to lose weight in the face’ is one of the most commonly googled questions. However, as there is no one single method to target specific areas of the body to lose weight, you need to focus on overall weight loss in order to get rid of the chubby face.

One of the best news when it comes to weight loss is the fact that in a lot of cases, the results are first noticeable in the face!

  • Do you have surplus facial fat?
  • Do you want to learn how to get rid of baby cheeks?
  • Are you determined to lose weight and get a skinny face?

If the answer to these questions is a ‘yes’, make sure you continue reading this article. We will share a set of 15 smart tips to lose weight quick and efficiently and consequently, have a skinnier face which will finally be free of baby cheeks. Stay tuned!

15 Smart Tips to Get a Skinnier Face

1. Improve your diet

One of the most important steps if you want to get a skinnier face and slim down is to ditch unhealthy food and start making healthier choices. In order to achieve a leaner facial physique, you need to learn how to get the whole body healthier and minimize the excess fat.

Take into account that same as you cannot choose where the body will hold onto surplus fat, you cannot also pick where the body will lose it. This being said, losing fat can be achieved through a healthy diet and regular exercise that will help improve them metabolism and lead to overall weight loss.

Where to begin? First, you need to ditch unhealthy foods, including processed and refined foods, fast food, foods high in carbs, salt-rich snacks and to focus on whole foods like nuts, legumes, fruits, and veggies. When it comes to dairy and meat, do not exaggerate with their consumption and try to follow a diet that is based more on plants rather than on animal products.

To learn about the best foods that help the body burn fat faster and better, check out the following list:

  • Fatty fish like mackerel, sardine, herring
  • Coffee, black and sugarless
  • MCT oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Eggs
  • Whey protein
  • Green tea
  • Chili peppers
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Greek yogurt, full-fat

2. Say goodbye to refined sugar

Sugar has two molecules, glucose and fructose. The former is essential for life and a pivotal part of the metabolism. It is regularly produced in the body and our cells use it for energy. When we do not get it from our diet, it is produced from fat and protein. On the other hand, fructose does not participate in the metabolism and it is not naturally produced, except by some liver cells. This being said, when a person eats too much sugar, the liver metabolizes it and turns it into fat. And, if present in excessive amounts, it will become visible in numerous different body parts, including your face. Therefore, become more mindful about your intake of refined sugar and avoid artificial sweeteners that are usually present in pre-packed and processed foods.

To be certain, read labels of products carefully. Avoid refined sugar which can be of several types, including granulated sugar, powdered sugar, sanding sugar, and super-refined sugar. Opt for healthy sugar sources, including natural sugar present in fruits and organic honey, as well as coconut sugar, molasses, and maple syrup.

These are the healthiest alternatives to added sugar available today:

  • Xylitol
  • Erythritol
  • Yacon syrup

3. Lower your salt consumption

When you eat high amounts of foods abundant in processed salt and sodium, the risk of gaining weight, particularly in the facial area, is much higher and can contribute to double chin. Salt is also known to trigger retention of water, which further leads to water weight which is mostly seen in the face..

Therefore, be cautious about how much table salt you add to cooked meals and avoid processed and pre-packed foods which often contain a lot of salt. But, this does not mean that you need to completely exclude salt from your diet to get a skinny face.

In fact, we need salt to preserve our optimal health and prevent specific health issues. Stay away from processed table salt and opt for natural salts like pink Himalayan salt, sea salts, and Celtic sea salt.

4. Avoid soda and soft drinks

Since soda drinks and soft drinks are full of calories and stripped of nutrients, they will prevent weight loss and make your face look even more bloated. What’s more, these beverages have a negative impact on the overall health and they are basically sugar. In fact, some soda drinks have as much as 50 grams per a 12-ounce can or 3 very big spoons of sugar!

Over the years, the regular consumption of these drinks can lead to excessive amount of fat in the facial area. Therefore, minimize their consumption or completely avoid them. Opt for healthier beverages which are good for your overall health and can help you burn fat and shed surplus pounds. Wondering what to drink instead of fizzy drinks?

No worries, find out in the following list:

  • Water
  • Homemade smoothies and juices
  • Freshly-squeezed orange juice
  • Green tea
  • Kale juice
  • Beet juice
  • Lemonade
  • Warm lemon water
  • Lemonade
  • Ginger tea
  • Cranberry juice

5. Do facial exercises on the daily

In addition to improving your diet, it is also important to perform specific facial exercises to get rid of the surplus fat. They will help you tighten the loose skin and reduce double chin, as well as better your facial appearance, fight off aging and sagging, and strengthen the facial muscles. Some also claim that facial exercises are an excellent routine to tone the muscles in the face and make it look skinnier. One exercise includes puffing out the cheeks and pushing air from one side to the other.

Two other well-known ones are puckering the lips on one and then the other side and smiling while clenching the teeth. Perform the exercises for a couple of seconds on the daily to increase the chances of getting a skinny face.

6. Smile more often

Did you know that smiling can be a great facial workout? What you need to do is smile, i.e. widely and with the mouth closed without parting the lips. Keep the smile for ten seconds and then relax the muscles. By smiling on a daily basis, you will not just better the facial structure, but your mood too!

7. Do cardio

In a lot of situations, people may have a chubby face because of too much fat in the body. This is where weight loss can help reduce both the fat from the body and face. In order to achieve a healthy and long-term weight loss, you should do the right exercises, not just better your nutrition.

One of the most beneficial workouts for shedding surplus pounds is cardio or aerobic workout. What does cardio actually represent? This activity is any activity that elevates the heart rate and aids the body in burning fat better and elevates the loss of excess fat. So, it can be your best ally to get rid of those baby cheeks!

How much cardio do you need to optimize the weight loss outcome? Opt for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to intense cardio on a weekly basis or around 20 to 40 of cardio on a daily basis. What are the most common cardio workouts? Find out in the list below:

  • Elliptical trainer
  • Running
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Rope jumping
  • Stair climbing
  • Rowing
  • HIIT
  • Sprinting

8. Control your alcohol intake

Even though it is normal to enjoy the occasional bottle of beer or a glass of wine, overindulging in alcoholic beverages is a significant contributor to higher facial fat and bloating. Why is this so?

In addition to causing numerous other negative effects, alcohol puts you at a higher risk of weight gain due to being abundant in calories, yet low on nutrients. Therefore, you need to regulate your alcohol intake to minimize the chance for bloating and weight gain.

Moderate drinking is considered to be up to two drinks of alcohol per day for men and up to a drink for women.

9. Watch out for carbs

If you want to get a skinnier face, you need to limit your refined carb consumption. They are common contributors for weight gain and fat accumulation. Why is this so? Namely, refined carbs, as the name itself says, have been refined, i.e. go through heavy processes during which they are stripped of their nutrients and are nothing but a mixture of calories and sugar.

Moreover, as they are low on fiber, carb-rich foods are quickly digested and thus, cause blood sugar spikes and crashes and put you at a higher risk of overeating. On the other hand, whole carbs in a natural form are rich in fiber and are good for us. This includes veggies, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, tubers, and whole grains.

Unfortunately, a study has linked refined carb consumption with increase in belly fat. So, it may also add to the amount of fat in the facial area. Even though we often crave these comfort foods when stressed or tired, they can easily sabotage the path to a skinny face.

If you are unsure which foods contain refined, i.e. bad carbs, find out in the following list:

  • White bread
  • Cookies, cakes, and pastries
  • French fries
  • Potato chips
  • Ice cream
  • Chocolate
  • Candies
  • Sugar-rich drinks like fruit juices and soft drinks

10. Eat a healthy breakfast

In order for you to slim down and eliminate baby cheeks, it is essential to eat breakfast and make it the biggest meal of the day. A healthy and plentiful breakfast will supply you with the needed nutrients and energy to start the day in the right way.

Eat a breakfast which will nourish your body optimally, i.e. it should contain fat, carbs, and protein to kick-start your metabolism. Why should your breakfast be a bigger meal? Because digestion of food demands for a lot of energy and larger meals use more calories than smaller portions. But, do not forget, smaller and more frequent meals may help reduce hunger and overeating.

The key is to learn how to balance. With the help of a nutritious breakfast, you will activate the blood flow and optimize the digestion. Also, you help the body shed more pounds and lose more fat. If you are unsure about healthy breakfast options, read the following suggestions:

  • Avocado and poached egg toast
  • Cinnamon, peanut, and banana smoothie
  • Chia seed oatmeal
  • Quinoa muffins with spinach
  • Acai bowl
  • Tofu scramble
  • Eggs

11. Boost your protein consumption

In order to maintain optimal health and get a skinny face, we need to have sufficient levels of protein in the body. Why do you need protein to get rid of chubby cheeks? Namely, scientific evidence shows that a boost in your consumption of protein can encourage weight loss and the shedding of surplus fat.

The best way to acquire this pivotal nutrient is through a balanced diet, i.e. foods like lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, tofu, and some grains. In case you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet, you should combine different plant foods throughout the day to achieve the right mixture of amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

It is important to note that a diet high in protein in a combination with a low-carb diet is not recommendable. It can lead to numerous health problems, including poor metabolism, too much ketones, waste of muscles, and poor heart health.

12. Manage stress

Did you know that stress can lead to weight gain? However, as there is no way to completely get rid of stress in life, it is essential to learn the proper coping techniques. According to experts, stress leads to higher accumulation of fat and can slow down the metabolism.

As a result, you end up having surplus visible fat not just in the belly and hips, but in the facial area too. Hence, it is pivotal to learn how to manage stress in your life efficiently and finally start losing the double chin and baby cheeks!

If you want to learn the most beneficial methods to address stress, check out the list below:

  • Walk away from the stressor, even for a short time
  • Work out on a regular basis
  • Try meditation
  • Do yoga
  • Smile and laugh more often- this has a positive effect on the facial muscles
  • Find the right support- share your emotions, doubts, and struggles with another person

13. Do not forget about supplements

When you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, adding weight loss supplements can be a beneficial way to boost the burning of fat and loss of surplus pounds. These products can help speed up the process and assist you in your efforts to get a skinny face. According to some, taking supplements in addition to an already established and effective weight loss plan may elevate the loss of fat by around 30 to 50 percent.

That is, if your diet and workout helps you get rid of a pound of fat on a weekly basis, you can up it to 1.3 or 1.5 pounds if you add quality supplements. If you are wondering about the most beneficial weight loss supplements, read the list below:

  • Caffeine
  • Yohimbine
  • Garcinia cambogia
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • Green tea extract
  • CLA
  • Bitter orange
  • Raspberry ketones

14. Get enough sleep

Did you know that sleep deprivation can sabotage your weight loss efforts and cause additional weight gain? So, do not expect those baby cheeks to go away if you do not get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night! Why does poor sleep affect our weight? Because it elevates the secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone linked with weight gain, among other side effects.

What’s more, high levels of cortisol in the body can increase your appetite and slow down the metabolism and cause additional fat storage. On the other hand, regular and quality sleep has been associated with successful shedding of pound. Your face definitely needs its beauty sleep!

15. Do not forget about calorie deficit

When talking about weight loss and getting rid of surplus fat, we often hear that we need to create a ‘calorie deficit’, but, do we know what it actually means? Namely, this stands for the calorie amount one needs to intake per day in order to start losing weight in comparison with the calories needed to keep one’s weight.

To achieve a calorie deficit and get rid of facial fat, you can either consume fewer calories or burn more calories through exercise or combine the two methods. Calorie deficit is not just vital for removing fat, but it helps improve the body’s capacity to build lean muscle.

Remember not to exaggerate with the deficit to avert a negative effect on the muscle mass. Optimal calorie deficit is a moderate one, i.e. around 20 to 25 percent. To find out your ideal calorie deficit, use a calorie deficit calculator that can be found online.

Final Thoughts 

Yes, having a chubby face and double chin is rarely a desirable facial feature, so, a lot of people want to know if it is possible to lose it. Luckily, with the right weight loss methods, you can finally have the skinny face you always dreamed of.

Your focus should not solely be on facial exercises, but on improving your overall lifestyle in order to achieve weight loss and shed the body and facial fat.

Minimize or completely exclude your intake of refined sugar and processed salt and forget about junk and pre-packed foods and do more cardio. Once your body starts to get leaner and slimmer, so will your face.

Make sure you also follow the other strategies we offered in this article and be persistent; you will achieve your weight loss goals with ease!

Reference sites:

  1. https://www.livestrong.com/article/67126-refined-sugars/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/natural-sugar-substitutes
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/4-ways-sugar-makes-you-fat
  4. https://www.drstevenlin.com/salt-good-for-you/
  5. https://www.bustle.com/articles/27917-the-10-healthiest-beverages-other-than-water
  6. https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/best-types-cardio-workouts-weight-loss/
  7. http://www.enformy.com/
  8. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/good-carbs-bad-carbs
  9. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/choosing-healthy-carbs.htm/
  10. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/protein
  11. https://www.oxygenmag.com/fat-loss/5-tips-stress-lose-fat-11886
  12. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-fat-burning-foods#section1
  13. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-weight-loss-pills-reviewed#section2
  14. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lose-fat-in-face-cheeks
  15. https://www.bollywoodshaadis.com/articles/7-best-facial-exercises-to-slim-down-your-face-3404
  16. https://www.thespruceeats.com/healthy-breakfast-ideas-4169312
  17. https://www.muscleforlife.com/how-to-lose-face-fat/