17 Simple Ways To Increase Your Metabolism Today (Science Backed)

A large part of weight loss and fitness is burning calories, right? Well did you know there are ways you can increase metabolism even when you’re not working out? It’s called your resting metabolic rate, and it includes the calories you use to do the most basic functions: breathing, digestion, circulation and others.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to increase metabolism while you work out
  • How to increase your resting metabolic rate
  • How to make your body burn calories faster, helping you to lose weight

Think it’s just a myth? Here are some science-backed ways you can boost your metabolism and begin losing weight faster!

1. Weight loss supplements

The most well-known – and widely advertised – way to increase metabolism for weight loss is weight loss supplements.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of weight loss supplements on the market. Of those, many are meant to help you increase your metabolism – even while you’re not working out.

It can be hard to choose just one or two supplements out of the jungle of pills, shakes and powders out there. So let’s take a look at a few of the most popular and commonly sold metabolism-boosting weight loss aids on the market.

B Vitamins

If you’re taking a multivitamin each day, you’re probably getting enough B vitamins. If not, consider picking up a bottle of these. These water-soluble nutrients help turn the fats, carbs and proteins you eat into energy.


Chromium is a mineral that is naturally found in some foods, but you can also find it as a weight loss supplement. Chromium is especially popular among bodybuilders, in that it helps to metabolize carbs, protein and fats. Taking chromium before you work out can help you burn more calories and speed up your weight loss.


Selenium is naturally found in fish, poultry and some nuts, as well as whole grains. When consumed in food or taken via a supplement, selenium can help to increase metabolism. It’s got an additional benefit: selenium will help keep your body from storing fat in your belly area.


Do you like spicy foods? If so, you’re in luck. Capsaicin, found in jalapenos, habaneros and many other types of pepper is great for boosting your metabolism. If you don’t like spicy food that’s okay, too. Capsaicin is sold in supplement form over the counter in health food and drug stores.


Guarana is a plant that contains as much as four times the amount of caffeine as coffee. There are also other natural chemicals in guarana with further the effect of the caffeine. Take guarana in supplement form, but be sure you’re not super-sensitive to caffeine!


On that note, caffeine itself has been shown to boost your weight loss and increase metabolism. Again, be sure you’re not overly sensitive to caffeine.

Green Tea

We’ll talk a bit more about green tea later in this guide. Suffice to say, for now, that green tea is one of the supplements that’s growing in popularity for boosting metabolism. You can purchase it in pill form, powder form or, of course, drink form.

These are just a few of the weight loss and metabolism boosting supplements out there. Before you begin any supplement, check with your doctor to ensure your aids won’t interfere with your medications or health conditions.

2. Lift weights

You don’t have to look like a world-class bodybuilder to boost metabolism. But lifting weights will certainly help! You see, muscles need to use more energy just to sustain themselves than fat does. One pound of muscle, in one day, uses around 6 to 10 calories. One pound of fat, in one day, only burns around 2 to 3.

You’ll definitely be burning calories while you lift weights and work out. But the effect goes beyond that, and your muscles will be burning weight while you sit at your desk, while you chat on the phone with your friends… even while you sleep!

This is called your basal metabolic rate, your BMR, or your resting metabolic rate. People who have a higher muscular weight have a higher BMR, which means they’re burning more calories and boosting their metabolism… just by being there!

Again, though, you don’t need to look like Popeye to increase your BMR. Just a three to five pound gain in muscle will mean you’ll be burning between 15 and 30 more calories each day than you had previously been.

3. Change your workout habits

If you’re serious about losing weight and increasing metabolism, there’s a good chance you’ve already begun to work out. For most people, a beginner workout includes low impact activity. For instance, walking, using a treadmill or even swimming.

However, higher-intensity aerobic activity can greatly increase metabolism. Incorporating short bursts of running or jogging to your walk is one example. Take a spin class that kicks your tail once each week. Talk to a personal trainer about how you can add these high intensity activities safely to your weekly exercise routine.

High intensity workouts aren’t going to let you build a lot of bulky muscle like weightlifting will. Instead, they’re going to allow your body to continue to burn calories for longer after your workout is over. Don’t forget, though. After each high intensity workout it’s important that you eat a healthy snack to help your body recover and repair.

4. Switch to green tea

Green tea contains caffeine, which has been shown to help increase metabolism and burn fat. Weight loss studies in both humans and rats have shown the drink to be effective in burning fat, preventing fat storage and weight loss in general.

But it’s not just the caffeine that’s helping you lose weight when you drink green tea. The tea contains natural chemicals called catechins which are antioxidants. Several of these antioxidants, in particular, EGCG, has been shown in studies to help increase metabolic rate in humans and in mice.

Green tea has other benefits, aside from a metabolism boost. The antioxidants in green tea can help fight cancer. They can promote norepinephrine in your body, increasing the breakdown of fat. And green tea can actually help you burn more fat while you exercise. Studies show that men who take the supplement before a workout burn up to 17% more fat than those who don’t.

As we mentioned earlier, you can take green tea as a supplement, like a powder or a pill, or you can drink the liquid. Enjoy green tea hot or cold, but don’t add sugar! Instead, add a splash of lemon or fruit juice to your green tea to naturally and lightly sweeten it. Or, if you like, you can drink it “naked!” Most people find the earthy, light fragrance and flavor wonderful!

5. Drink water

The premise behind this is simple. Your body needs water to do just about everything. To digest food, to breathe, to create new blood cells and, of course, to digest food. It also needs water to metabolize your food, so if you’re even a little bit dehydrated your metabolism can slow down considerably.

You can easily turn this around by simply adding water to your day! Drink a glass of water before each meal, and carry a water bottle with your throughout the day. Strive to get at least 64 ounces of water into your body every day for optimal health.

Drinking water carries an additional benefit. If you drink a full glass of water before you eat your meals, your stomach will feel more full, and you’ll be less likely to overeat. Your meals will be smaller and your body will be better able to break down the foods you’ve consumed.

There’s one more way drinking water can help you with your metabolism and weight loss goals: if you’re sated with water and not feeling dehydrated, you’re much less likely to reach for sugary juices, sodas or other drinks. In short, drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your body, your metabolism and your weight loss.

6. Eat plenty of protein

We’ve already talked about how, when your body digests food, it uses energy and burns calories. This is called the thermic effect of food, and it’s important to your metabolism. Some foods have a higher thermic effect (TEF) than others, but protein has one of the highest.

What this means is that your body is going to use up a lot of energy breaking down the proteins you eat at each meal. Studies have shown that when your diet consists of at least 30% protein, you’re likely to eat as many as 450 fewer calories per day as compared to if you eat less.

Additionally, when you begin to lose weight your metabolism often drops. This is caused by a loss of fat cells. Adding protein to your diet will help you increase your muscle, or at the very least to help reduce the loss of muscle. As you know, muscle burns more calories than fat, so this, too, boosts your metabolism.

7. Get up and moving

This one may seem obvious, in that when you’re moving you’re also burning calories. If you work at a job where you’re constantly having to sit, you’re more likely to burn fewer calories per day than someone with a similar lifestyle to yours who is on their feet.

Talk to your employer about getting a standing desk at work. Just one afternoon at a standing desk can help you burn an additional 175 calories, compared to sitting at the computer. Can’t get a standing desk? Make use of what you have. You can certainly deliver that packet to HR rather than have the courier do it. You can take the stairs, or park further away.

There’s a good chance these are all tips you’ve heard before… isn’t it time to act on them? By getting up and moving while you’re at work (or at any other part of your day) you can boost your metabolism.

You don’t have to wait until you’re at work to start moving around, either. The activities you normally do on the weekends or after work count as well. While you’re streaming movies on Netflix, do some light exercise in your living room. Or, while you’re reading your favorite sci-fi novel you can use a good foot pedal to keep those calories burning. Use your imagination, and use your body!

8. Get sufficient sleep

At the same time, your body does need ample rest. Studies show that adult men and women who get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night are more likely to lose weight more effectively than those who sleep more or less.

Of course, this is going to depend on your body, so if you have concerns please feel free to talk to a doctor about what’s best for you. That said, sleep hygiene is important for everyone, regardless of the total number of hours you actually rest.

Find yourself having trouble falling asleep? Here are some things you can do to get a good night’s rest.

Use your bedroom only for sleep

Your bedroom is for sleeping and, well, for adult stuff. But mostly for sleeping. When you allow yourself to get distracted by other aspects of your room – the television, the laptop and, heaven forbid, your work desk – you’re not going to sleep as well. Make sure your bedroom is dedicated solely to sleep.

Create a quiet environment

Some people find that they fall asleep more easily and soundly with white noise, or with soft music playing. That’s fine. But don’t allow yourself to fall asleep with the radio or television on. Don’t let the dog sleep in the bed with you – that grunting is going to wake you up. A quiet, calm environment will help you fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep for better quality rest.

Create a bedtime routine

Your routine can begin the moment you get home from work or it can start after supper when you begin to wind down. Create rituals that you can do each night, like lighting a lavender candle or taking a warm bath. Drink a cup of chamomile tea, or even a small portion of cottage cheese, which has been shown to help induce rest. Creating a routine signals your brain that it’s time to put the stress of day away and get ready for bed.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed

Alcohol and caffeine before bed are a huge no-no for people who want good sleep hygiene. Caffeine, obviously, can keep you awake. Alcohol will cause shifts in your blood sugar that can wake you up prematurely… and both can cause unexpected trips to the bathroom overnight. Stick with chamomile or herbal tea and water before bed.

Turn off the electronics

Yes, this means you, e-book reader. The light that comes from your device, whether it’s your phone as you scroll through social media or your e-reader as you turn the pages of a romance novel, is detrimental to your sleep. Keep your room dark and lay your device face down if necessary. Feeling tempted to pick up the phone for one last text? Keep the phone in another room while you sleep.

9. Change the way you cook

If you’re like a lot of people, you tend to reach for the butter when you sautee your onions. You reach for the 85/15% ground beef because it’s less expensive. Just changing a few things about the way you cook can do wonders in increasing metabolism.

Put the butter away and instead use coconut oil, olive oil or other oils that contain medium-chain fats. And please, please stay away from margarine. It is not healthier than butter.

Switch your meats to those that are high in protein but low in fat. Chicken, turkey, lean beef and some types of pork are good examples. One of the best proteins out there for metabolism is actually surprising to some: it’s venison. In a pinch, grab a hard boiled egg.

Simple changes can go a long way toward increasing metabolism and helping you lose weight. If you need help, get in touch with a personal trainer or a dietician.

10. Make sure you’re eating enough

We can’t tell you how many calories you, as a unique individual, need to maintain a healthy metabolism. You can get that information from your doctor or dietician. What we can tell you, though, is that you definitely can’t eat too few calories. That’s almost as detrimental as eating too many.

When you want to lose weight, you’ll probably be advised to cut some calories from your diet. But if you cut too many, your body goes into survival mode. That means it burns fewer calories, which is just the opposite of what you’re trying to do.

There are calculators available online that can give you a rough estimate of your resting metabolic rate. For instance, a woman who is five feet and seven inches and weighs 150 pounds has an RMR of around 1,717 calories each day. As a general rule, you should strive not to go under the number of calories your body burns while resting.

Additionally, if you’re not getting enough calories there’s a really good chance you’re not getting enough nutrients. Nutrients like vitamins and minerals keep your bones from deteriorating, your skin from becoming unhealthy and your muscles from atrophying. Improper nutrients can also make you unsafe as you exercise, leading to a higher instance of injury.

11. Eat carbs later in the day

Forget everything your mom ever told you about eating carbs in the morning. Studies have shown that you’re actually going to increase metabolism better if you save them for the night time hours. Why? Well, the premise is really simple.

Your body burns carbs for energy. When you eat your carbs during the day, your body is burning those calories instead of the fat calories you want to disappear. There was a study conducted to observe two groups of men. Each of these men ate exactly the same thing. The only difference was that one group ate carbs during the day while the other ate them at night.

The group who saved their carb consumption for the evening had lower daytime blood sugar levels. Additionally, they showed a much higher thermogenesis during the day. Take that, Mom!

12. Don’t skip fat altogether

Have you ever visited the gym and wondered why so many big, muscular people were guzzling chocolate milk? Well, there’s a reason. Full fat milk, in combination with calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D will help boost your metabolism. When you consume healthy fats, you’re also more likely to have these fats pass through your system than if you don’t.

Eating the right kinds of fats (like those you’ll find in whole milk) helps your digestion and helps your body to absorb the nutrients you ingest through your other foods. The fat doesn’t stick around though. It’ll pass right through you when you consume in moderation.

This isn’t just true for milk, either. While you’re going to want your protein options to be lean and lower in fat, it’s okay to nosh on Greek yogurt, add a bit of sour cream to your veggie chili!

13. Eat whole, not refined, grains

Processed grains like those you’d find in white bread and most crackers aren’t generally considered to be good for you. However, you can increase metabolism by adding whole grains to your diet. Your body expends more energy to break down these grains than those found in pastas and breads, meaning your metabolic rate will rise when digesting them.

Choose whole grains like oatmeal, quinoa, whole grain bread and even brown rice. If you do like to snack on, say, fruit and crackers, choose whole grain crackers rather than options like cheese crackers and water crackers.

14. Keep your stress levels down

Stress is devastating to your weight loss goals, and to your metabolism. It plays with your hormones, particularly cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that has been clearly linked with obesity – simply managing your stress levels can help keep this hormone at bay.

Feel like you have a generally stressful life? Here are some ways you can lessen or eliminate stress from your day.

Just say no

Many times, stress is caused by the inability to just say “no.” No, I don’t want to work overtime this week. No, I can’t bring my neighbor to the doctor today – he’ll have to call a cab. No, I can’t fill in for Sally at work; it’s my scheduled vacation week.

Just by standing up for yourself, you can lessen your stress levels. Sure, it’ll be a stressful moment when you tell your child’s teacher you can not commit to baking 150 brownies. But you’ll feel better in the long run.

Get outside

Studies show that the simple act of getting out into the sunshine include relief from anxiety, depression, and seasonal affective disorder. Sunlight is a natural mood booster that can help you with your day to day stress relief.

Get a massage

If your budget allows for it, go get a massage! Any massage will do, but there are centers and studios that offer, specifically, stress-relief massages. These may focus on specific trigger points, and on the muscle groups which are most likely to carry tension.

Declutter your home – and your life

There’s such thing as too much. You can have too much stuff in your home, as evidenced by the constant feeling that you can never keep the place clean. You can have too much stuff in your life – soccer practice, book club, mathletes, PTAs and dinner parties – causing you to feel like you have no time to yourself. Declutter your home and your life, and alleviate some of the stress.

Take ten

Just ten minutes of self-care can significantly reduce your overall stress levels. Sip on herbal tea or take a warm bubble bath. Light a scented candle and listen to Chopin (or Metallica, if that’s your thing.) Take a short walk around the block, or spend a few minutes playing fetch with Rover. Take ten minutes to yourself to help alleviate stress – and weight gain.

15. Wear something you feel good in

How do you feel on dress-down Friday? If you wear a uniform to work, how does it make you feel when you get to wear your own choice of outfit? Good, right? Workers who wear uniforms are reported to be more productive, more energetic and overall happier when they are given their choice of personal style.

Even when you’re out and about, you’re more likely to get moving in a pair of tennis shoes than you are in a pair of stiletto heels. Dress appropriately for the activity, but always keep movement in mind.

With that in mind, wear something you feel good in. If you’re dressing for work, of course, keep it workplace appropriate. But make it something your body is comfortable in and that gives you an extra spring in your step. You’ll feel more productive, less stressed and, quite simply, you’ll feel like moving. That will help increase your metabolism!

16. Spread your meals out throughout the day

Begin your day with breakfast, as this “wakes up” your metabolism. Studies show that 78% of people who have lost weight keep it off when they start their day with breakfast. Choose whole grains, fruits and proteins like eggs and yes, even sausage!

Pack a few healthy things to snack on throughout the day. Choose dried fruit if you often find yourself craving sweets. Choose nuts if you like a salty crunch. Nuts will also help you feel full throughout the day. If you have a fridge at work, full fat Greek yogurt is another good option.

Pack a healthy lunch from home, and skip the fast food drive through. A turkey wrap, veggie chili or a Chef’s salad are just a few options.

Then, at dinner time, be sure you fill at least half your plate with fiber-rich veggies. Remember to get in plenty of protein, and also remember that eating carbs at night is perfectly fine!

If you’re a bedtime snacker, grab some cottage cheese of a handful of berries to keep you sated until morning. Don’t forget to drink water, or if you like, sip on an herbal tea to relax you.

By keeping your calories spread out throughout the day, you’re less likely to overeat or binge eat on unhealthy foods. Your insulin levels will stay level. You’re also less likely to choose quick, unhealthy alternatives like takeout, pizza or fast food. Of course, as an added benefit, your metabolism will keep working throughout the entirety of the day.

17. Use common sense

Just as the best way to lose extra weight is through diet and exercise, the best way to increase metabolism is through a healthy lifestyle. There’s no one simple pill, trick or secret that’s going to have you burning thousands of extra calories each day. It takes hard work and common sense.

When in doubt, go talk to your doctor or dietician. You and your healthcare professional can take a look at your lifestyle, your fitness and weight loss goals and your current habits to determine the optimal way for you to increase metabolism. It may be a supplement, a dietary change or something else. What’s important is that you boost your metabolism in a healthy way.


You can increase your metabolism through building muscle or through adding high intensity activity to your workout. You can do it by simply increasing the amount of tie you spend standing at work, or by parking farther away from the office.

There are supplements you can take and foods that you can add to your diet to help increase the rate at which your body burns energy and calories. There’s no one right way to boost your metabolism. Take steps toward leading a healthier, more active lifestyle filled with nutritious foods, and you’ll be well on your way toward an increased metabolism and overall better, more efficient weight loss.