How To Burn Thigh Fat? – Expert´s 10 Powerful Tips

Are you looking for useful tips to burn thigh fat? Do you need to shed surplus fat from the thigh area? Do you want to have slim and thin legs that are free of thigh fat?

If the answers to these questions are affirmative, you should definitely stick around! In today’s article, we are focusing on sharing 10 valuable tips to burn thigh fat fast effectively, and painlessly. If you apply them regularly and follow the instructions, you will no longer need to hide your legs!

In addition to tips for losing thigh fat, we will also share important information on how to better your overall lifestyle and health and thus, lose weight naturally and healthy.

Regardless of why you want to shed surplus fat from the thighs, believe us, it is doable! Our helpful methods will bring you one step closer to the body you thought you would never have!

This article will teach you how to:

  • Encourage burning of thigh fat
  • Work out properly
  • Eat healthy and feel good

If you are determined to lose that annoying fat in the thighs and boost your self-confidence and improve your health, read the article until the end. Implement the tips today and slim down your legs!

10 Beneficial Tips to Lose Thigh Fat

1. Better your diet

As you may already know, spot-reducing fat is rarely possible; however, you can speed up the body’s overall capacity to burn fat, including thigh fat. One of the primary and crucial steps to burn thigh fat is your diet. You need to eat healthy, i.e. introduce healthier foods and drinks and ditch the bad stuff like refined sugar, simple carbs, soda drinks, salt, etc.

Make sure you base your diet on veggies and fruits, whole grains, healthy fat, and lean protein. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, doing this amazing change in your nutrition is a major factor for losing surplus fat from the whole body, not just from the thighs and hips.

It is also crucial to point out that you need to be careful about your daily calorie intake and try to reduce it in order to encourage weight and fat loss. But, make sure you do not over-decrease your daily calories-the key is not to starve out yourself, but learn how to eat healthier and feel better.

Facts about healthy diet:

  • Helps with weight loss
  • Important for the overall health
  • Speeds up the body’s metabolism


  • Nourishes the body
  • Supplies you with crucial nutrients
  • Enables weight loss


  • May be expensive
  • Some foods and drinks may not be readily available

2. Reduce your carb intake

Although carbs are a primary energy source, surplus intake of the wrong carbs can lead to surplus fat accumulation. With this in mind, it is pivotal to watch out your carb consumption if your goal is to burn thigh fat.

Do your best to lower the intake of bad or refined carbs from white flour, pasta, pizza, bread, etc. and focus on the good or complex carbs. Follow a low carb diet which is rich in veggies, fruits, soy, nuts, and lean protein.

Remember, you should never remove carbs altogether from your diet because our body requires glucose to function optimally. On average, your RDA of carbs should remain between 170 and 240 grams. Anything less or more can be problematic.

If you decide to get rid of the thigh fat through a low-carb diet, make sure you reduce foods like bread, cakes, pastries, pasta, store-bought fruit juices, starchy veggies like potatoes, beets, and corn, margarine, and sugar.

Focus more on protein meat like fish and chicken, low-carb veggies and fruits, low-fat milk and milk products, and healthy sugar replacements like stevia.

Facts about carbs:

  • Essential energy sources
  • Break down into glucose
  • Easier for digestion than protein and fat


  • Complex carbs are absorbed slowly
  • Needed for proper blood sugar levels
  • Low-carb diets can help with burning of fat


  • Bad carbs can lead to weight gain
  • Bad carbs can cause excessive body fat
  • Simple carbs are low in nutrients and high in calories

3. Boost your fiber and protein consumption

Often times, we hear dietitians advising dieters to increase the intake of protein and fiber if they plan on losing weight. And, this is also an important factor for those who want to burn thigh fat and slim down their legs.

These two nutrients are pivotal for the optimal functioning of our body, but also for the metabolism and building of muscles that will make your legs look better. Protein and fiber work together to prolong your satiety with fewer calories.

This helps burn off surplus fat without any need for starvation or relying on unhealthy fad diets. Protein is known to enhance the metabolic rate. And, it makes sure the lost weight is fat, not muscle because it keeps your muscle mass.

What’s more, fiber will help regulate your bowel movements and keep you full without having to eat too much of it. Soluble fibers from broccoli, beans, and avocados will slow down your digestion and ensure a gradual energy release after a meal.

Facts about fiber and protein:

  • There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble
  • Work together to prolong the fullness
  • Essential nutrients


  • Good for a smooth digestion
  • Slows down the sugar absorption
  • Helps you lose surplus weight
  • Speed up the metabolic rate


  • It can cause gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Too much fiber can increase gas and bloating
  • Too much protein can overburden the kidneys

4. Try weight loss supplements

When you follow a healthy diet and work out regularly, it can be really helpful to burn thigh fat by adding quality weight loss supplements. These supplements are made in a way to encourage weight loss by speeding up your metabolism and reducing your appetite.

Hence, they can boost your efforts to shed surplus fat from critical areas like the thighs, belly, hips, arms, etc. But, when choosing a supplement for you, be extra cautious! These products are not regulated by the FDA and there are numerous potential risks you should be aware of.

Though the FDA will review any new ingredients prior their release to the market for safety, they are not approved by them for effectiveness and safety. Make sure you find the right information about the supplement you want to start using and its safety and effectiveness.

Research on non-commercial sites rather than seller sites and if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A good approach would be to consult your physician or a professional dietitian about their thoughts on the supplement.

Facts about supplements:

  • Available in numerous forms (pills, powder, capsules, etc)
  • Not FDA approved
  • Include ingredients like herbs, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids


  • Supply you with additional nutrients
  • May help you speed up the metabolism and reduce the appetite
  • Convenient


  • Not approved by the FDA
  • Have known and unknown side effects
  • May be expensive

5. Get enough rest and sleep

Sorry, night owls, but if you want to be slim and help your body burn thigh fat, you need to get the needed hours of night sleep and have a nap from time to time. Why is sleep so vital for weight loss?

Namely, when we are chronically deprived of sleep, we do not just take away the body’s time to restore and rejuvenate, but also encourage the release of hormones known as leptin and ghrelin.

These two hormones stimulate our appetite and thus, you have a higher chance of overeating. Poor sleep has also been associated with a higher BMI and obesity.

Surplus cortisol is also being secreted when we fail to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep and this stress hormone elevates the appetite. Therefore, do your best to regulate your sleep to make healthier food choices and reduce cravings.

Short naps, particularly after working out, can be very beneficial in the fight against thigh fat. After strenuous workouts, rest will help your ligaments and muscles to heal and repair.

Facts about sleep:

  • Pivotal process for the body and brain
  • Needed for our mental and physical health
  • Sleep deficiency increases the risk of serious health problems


  • Helps your body burn fat
  • Helps repair and build muscles for weight loss and strength
  • Regulates the appetite and prevents overeating


  • Too much sleep is not good for the health
  • Oversleeping has been linked with early death
  • Lack of sleep impedes weight loss

6. Do cardio

Cardiovascular exercise can be of great aid in losing overall body fat, including that in the thigh area. This workout will not just bring your body in a great shape, but help you reduce stubborn fat and burn thigh fat.

Cardio or aerobic exercise is any type of physical activity the raises the heart rates and speeds up the breathing. Luckily for dieters, aerobic exercises are numerous and everyone can find the most suitable ones for them.

Whether you choose swimming or running or opt for a treadmill, you are increasing your chances of slimmer and fat-free body. In addition to aiding your body’s ability to burn fat, it will also better the functioning of your lungs, circulatory system, and heart. In order for a workout to be considered cardio, it needs to challenge your heart and lungs significantly.

When you do cardio, you challenge and strengthen the cardiovascular system, boost its ability to take in oxygen, pump more blood to the muscles, and remove waste from the system. Weight lifting and high intensity cardio are considered to be the best types of cardio for fat loss.

Weight lifting will encourage the secretion of hormones that burn fat and increase your muscles and consequently, boost the body’s capacity for burning fat, even at rest. HIIT has the same effect on the body and it creates an oxygen debt which the body needs to balance afterwards and so you end up burning more calories.

Facts about cardio:

  • Increases the heart and breathing rate
  • Good for the overall health
  • Strengthens the lungs and heart


  • Helps with weight loss
  • Increases the burning of fat
  • Creates an afterburn effect


  • It may lead to muscle loss
  • It may cause fat retention
  • Overtraining

7. Thigh lift surgery

In extreme case and if no other methods have not helped you burn thigh fat, you may want to consider thigh lift surgery. This surgical procedure reshapes the thighs through the removal of surplus fat.

The results are smoother skin and proportionate contours in the thighs and lower body. This procedure is often combined with liposuction for best results. Remember, this option should be the last to consider- only if exercising and diet changes have not brought the desired effects.

This procedure may be viable for you if you want firmer and more proportional thighs, if you have undergone major weight loss, if you cannot fit in clothes because of big thighs or if you are anxious and stressed about loose thigh skin.

Facts about thigh lift surgery:

  • A type of body contouring procedure
  • Used for removal of surplus tissue in the thighs
  • Often included in Mommy Makeover procedure


  • Clothes and swimwear fit better
  • The body is shaped better
  • The thighs are firmer with less fat


  • There may be scarring
  • There may be bumps and uneven areas
  • The skin may feel deflated
  • Not suitable for those with poor general health

8. Drink more water

Drinking sufficient amounts of water on a daily basis does not just play a role in your good health, but it is a pivotal tool for weight loss. When you are fully hydrated, eating healthy, and exercising regularly, you will burn thigh fat and have slimmer legs.

But, if you make no other necessary changes and only boost your water intake, you will probably see no changes in your thigh section. How does water consumption help our body burn more fat?

Namely, water is the base for every chemical reaction happening in the body, including the burning of fat. This is why we cannot live without water for more than 3 days.

When you are depriving your body of water, you impede its proper functioning. As a result, your metabolic rate will slow down and thus, your burning of fat will diminish. This is why in order to lose weight; you need to give your body the right nutrients and the right amount of water.

Opt for 32 to 64 oz. of water per day to enhance the body’s burning of fat, the transfer of nutrients, and the removal of waste.

Facts about water:

  • Needed for proper body functioning
  • Water is free of calories and vitamins
  • Plays a role in weight management


  • Maintains optimal metabolism
  • Helps burn more fat
  • Nourishes the organs, tissues, and cells


  • Has no nutrients
  • Too much water can cause imbalance
  • Surplus water may reduce the sodium levels and cause nausea and cramps

9. Eat breakfast

If you want a slim figure with thin legs that are free of surplus fat, forget about donuts or cereals for breakfast. In order to burn thigh fat, you need to begin your day in the healthiest way possible, i.e. with a healthy and nourishing breakfast.

In this way, you will keep your energy levels optimal, decrease cravings, and encourage the loss of weight. According to research, people who regularly eat breakfast are leaner and more successful in weight loss and weight maintenance.

They also get more of crucial nutrients like vitamins and fiber. When aiming for a healthy breakfast, make sure it is a combination of protein, fiber, good fat, and complex carbs. Some of the healthiest options for breakfast include oatmeal, berries, smoothies, flaxseed, bananas, tea, peanut butter, yogurt, and eggs.

Moreover, when you tend to skip breakfast, the body begins to “think” that there is a nutritional problem and thus, it starts to save up every calorie and sugar and turns them into fat. So, make sure you do not miss out on breakfast if you want to burn thigh fat and lose weight more efficiently.

Facts about healthy breakfast:

  • Important meal of the day
  • Helps keep a leaner figure
  • Supplies the body with nutrients


  • Lowers cravings
  • Prevents overeating later on in the day
  • Boosts weight loss and the burning of fat


  • May require time for preparation
  • May be expensive for some

10. Get your protein

Protein is one of the most praised nutrients when it comes to weight loss and many experts advise increasing its consumption if we want to lose weight. This being said, if you want to ensure you burn thigh fat and slim down the legs, you need to take into account how much protein you consume.

Why is protein such an important nutrient for dieters? Namely, this nutrient is known to prolong the satiety, reduce the number of calories you consume, averts blood sugar spikes, requires more calories to be processed, and it stimulates fat burning and preserves lean muscle.

However, eating protein alone will not contribute to healthy weight loss. And, when consumed excessively, it can trigger the same weight gain as surplus carbs or fat do. Plus, it can put additional pressure on the kidneys.

This being said, it is crucial to find a balance and to introduce every crucial nutrient in moderation. For the average individual, protein should constitute 20 percent of your total calorie intake.

Facts about protein:

  • Important nutrient for the overall health
  • Helps with weight management
  • A building block of tissues


  • Prolongs the satiety
  • Prevents overeating
  • Regulates the blood sugar


  • Too much of it can cause weight gain
  • Too much protein can strain the kidneys

Final Thoughts

If your ultimate weight loss goal is to burn thigh fat and have slimmer, thinner, and well-shaped legs, our 10 practical tips can be of great aid. By following these crucial steps, you will not just enhance the body’s capacity to burn fat and lose weight, but you will also better your overall health.

You will have slimmer legs and feel much better in your own skin. Amazing, right?

By focusing on the pivotal nutrients like protein and fiber, you will reduce your risk of overeating calories and encourage the burning of fat. In addition to having the right nutrients on your plate, it is also vital that you focus on the right exercises.

To shed weight and stimulate the loss of fat from critical areas like the thighs, focus on cardio like HIIT and weight lifting.

Moreover, remember to get sufficient hours of sleep to optimize the metabolism and allow the body to rejuvenate. Make sure you reduce the intake of bad carbs present in processed foods like white bread, cakes, and pastries and focus on the complex ones from veggies and meat like fish and chicken.

Many dieters also introduce quality weight loss supplements to their weight loss plans, so this may also be of aid for you. They can suppress your appetite and speed up the metabolic rate in people who are already eating healthy and exercising regularly.

Last but not least, if you have not seen improvement in your thigh area through a healthy diet and regular exercise, a thigh lift surgery may be a viable option. Talk to your physician to discuss your options.

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