7 Smart Tips for Losing Weight when You Are Pregnant

Although a lot of women make detailed preparations for their pregnancy from every possible aspect, including achieving/maintaining an optimal weight and staying fit throughout the whole 9 months, this does not happen for a lot of them, especially for the ones who are already overweight. In most cases, this is a result of the almost-inevitable gain of weight that occurs during pregnancy. However, according to recent research, loss of weight while being pregnant is actually possible and what’s more, it can be highly favorable for women with a BMI higher than 30.

  • Are you an expectant mommy who wants to lose weight?
  • Are you determined to put an end to excess weight, but you do not know where to begin?
  • Do you want to lead a healthier lifestyle and give birth to a healthy baby?

If your answer to any of the previous questions is a yes, you should definitely continue reading this article and begin losing weight!

The Most Effective Weight Loss Tips for Pregnant Women

For a period of 40 weeks (more or less), a woman’s body carries and nourishes the baby and aids its proper growth and development. Nonetheless, when mommies struggle with being overweight or obese, the risk of health complications like premature birth, the need for a C-section, stillbirth, heart issues in the newborn, hypertension in the mother, infections, etc. elevates. Without doubt, mothers-to-be can successfully avert these issues by learning the best tips for a gradual and effective weight loss. Let’s check them out below:

1. Minimize the intake of calories

To lose weight when you are pregnant, consuming fewer calories on a daily basis is a must; this is because intake of a bigger amount of calories than the amount that the body can burn, can easily contribute to surplus weight. Did you know that during pregnancy, the ideal amount of calories (more energy and nutrients for you and your little one) is no fewer than 1700 every day? Hence, to avoid overconsumption of calories, you should:

  • remove condiments
  • opt for smaller portions
  • replace butter with olive oil and baked goods with fruits
  • eliminate soda drinks, fast food, and junk food
  • drink more water

2. Mommies, sweat it ‘till you make it!

Sadly, a lot of women think that exercising is not possible when they are pregnant because of the baby’s safety, which is a total misconception. Of course, there are physical activities like situps, bike riding, and skiing that may be problematic, but expectant mothers can definitely benefit from half an hour workout on a daily basis. The most suitable types of workout for them are:

  • walking
  • gardening
  • jogging
  • swimming
  • prenatal yoga

3. Prenatal vitamins are always a good idea

In most cases, doctors will prescribe prenatal vitamins to pregnant women due to the need for additional nutrition. But, did you know that these vitamins are also an excellent option to keep a stable weight and prevent caloric overload, yet still intake the necessary nutrients for you and your baby? Of course, this does not in any way mean that expectant mommies should do without regular, healthy meals on a daily basis. A quality prenatal vitamin needs to contain:

  • 400 mc of folic acid
  • 400 IU of vitamin D
  • Between 200 and 300 mg of calcium
  • 70 mg of vitamin C
  • 3 mg of thiamine
  • 2 mg of riboflavin
  • 20 mg of niacin
  • 6 mcg of vitamin B12
  • 10 mg of vitamin E
  • 15 mg of zinc
  • 17 mg of iron
  • 150 mcg of iodine

4. Prepare your own lunch for work

A lot of women complain of being overly fatigued to make lunch for work when they are carrying a child. However, it is an advantageous solution to prepare healthy meals the day before, By doing this, you will avert the consumption of junk and fast food that is unfortunately, very common while at work where we are usually time-bound and therefore reach for quick and unhealthy options. Here are several ideas for easy and nutritious meals:

  • Different types of rice
  • Healthy sandwiches
  • Veggie purees- the combinations are endless!

5. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods

As previously noted, in combination with light exercising, a healthy diet can do wonders for your weight and looks during and after pregnancy. Therefore, all mommies-to-be should know which foods to eat and which ones to avoid and thus, stay healthy and maintain a balanced weight. During pregnancy, it is highly recommendable to consume:

  • Bread and cereals from whole grains
  • Veggies and fruits
  • Low-fat dairy and milk
  • Foods abundant in folate like beans and spinach
  • Good fats such as peanut and olive oil

On the other hand, did you know that you should minimize or completely exclude the intake of the following foods?

  • Foods and drinks filled with sugar and/or corn syrup
  • Foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners
  • Junk foods like cookies, ice cream, and chips
  • Very salty foods
  • Bad fats like sauces, salad dressings, and margarine

6. Smaller meals

Pregnancy is the period of a woman’s life when being nauseated and ravenous occur at the same time (not pleasant at all, right?!) and a lot of women note experiencing an increase in hunger, which is perfectly normal if we take into consideration that there is a growing life inside them and it requires nutrients so that it can properly form. Nonetheless, to decrease the chance of excessive weight gain while pregnant, but still lead a healthy diet and satisfy your appetite and the baby’s, you should go for several smaller meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 big ones. This portion-control method is highly recommendable by dieters and it can be of great aid for expectant mothers too.

7. Embracing the changes

Although weight gain is considered to be a rather normal occurrence during pregnancy, a lot of women are unable to accept some of the changes happening with their bodies. Nevertheless, as this is pivotal for the health of your newborn, are you aware that one way to deal with weight gain during pregnancy and stay on the right track is to learn to respect your body by embracing it fully? You can always dedicate to a slimmer figure after pregnancy if your newly-gained pounds are stressing you out. In the meantime, mommies need to put their baby’s safety first, right?

Final Thoughts on Losing Weight while Pregnant

Without doubt, pregnancy is one of the most extraordinary events in the life of women, but in the lives of their families too. However, it is the most challenging period as well, especially when it comes to weight gain. It is therefore crucial to learn how to balance your weight with the help of the above-mentioned tips and in regular consultations with your gynecologist. Avoiding being underweight or overweight while being pregnant will decrease the risk of different complications, including preterm delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, miscarriages, and blood loss.