GUIDE: How to Keep Weight OFF By 15 Simple Rules

Want to learn how to keep weight off? Well, then this is the article for you. Keep reading….

Your weight loss has been successful and you have managed to finally shed those surplus pounds. Thanks to your diet and exercise and other beneficial weight loss methods you implemented, you have created the body you have always wanted. But, a lot of dieters often struggle with the unwanted yo-yo effect, i.e. the previous pounds come back! Oh, no!

All of the efforts you have put in have been in vain and you are back to the old you. With this in mind, dieters need to take into account the importance of learning how to keep weight off. In only a couple of steps, you will be able to enjoy the advantages of a slim body and optimal health long-term.

  • Have you been on a weight loss journey recently?
  • Do you want to know how to keep weight off?
  • Are you tired of surplus weight coming back?

If the answer to these questions is a “yes”, you should definitely stick around with us! In this article, we will share 15 premium tips to prevent lost weight from coming back. Follow these simple rules and enjoy your amazing physique without any worries! Stay tuned…

15 Simple Rules to Keep Weight Off

1. Do not stop with exercise

Same as it is pivotal for a positive weight loss outcome, regular workout is also necessary for weight maintenance. This is because it aids the body to burn more calories and elevates the metabolism- two important factors for balance in energy as well.

When the body’s energy is balanced, you will burn the same amount of calories you consume. Hence, the chance of your weight remaining the same is more likely. Opt for at least 200 minutes of physical activity per week or half an hour per day after a weight loss. In some cases, there may be a need for longer physical activity, that is, up to an hour per day.

2. Implement weight training

If you are not already lifting weights, it is high time you do, especially if you have lost weight recently. Do not think that weight lifting adds on weight your workout-on the contrary, if you opt for cardio only, you may hold onto weight or lose too much muscle mass.

Cardio can slow down your metabolism and the body will start to save up on calories, which is not something you need after losing weight. This is where weight training helps- it boosts the metabolic rate and helps build muscle with the creation of micro tears.

The body will consequently need to work hard over the next two to three days to repair these tears. Want to know the best weight-training movements? Check them out below:

  • Lunges
  • Bench presses
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts

3. Work out in the morning

Though you may not be a morning person, if you want to keep weight off, it can be highly beneficial to work out in the morning. Research points out that this practice is more efficient for loss of weight rather than afternoon or evening exercise.

It is considered that early workouts reduce the appetite and increase the activity levels. And, do not forget, early workouts are not just advantageous for weight loss, but to provide you with numerous other health advantages, including lower risk of diabetes.

4. Continue with the healthy diet

One of the most common mistakes dieters do is going back to their old diet habits once they lose weight. However, this could easily backfire and cause the weight to return. This being said, when on a weight loss journey to lose weight and prevent it from coming back, you need to improve your diet long-term.

Remember, it was these unhealthy diet habits that caused the gain of weight in the first place. This being said, slowly elevate your intake of calories. According to experts, the best way is to go with 200 calories on a weekly basis until the weight becomes stable. Focus on mindful eating which will help you process the body’s signals easier and stop once your body says it was enough.

Avoid distractions when you sit at the table and savor every bite. If you are wondering about the best foods to keep weight off, check out the list below:

  • Fiber-rich foods like fruits, veggies, beans, legumes, and nuts
  • Foods rich in healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, and nuts
  • Protein-rich foods like eggs and lean meat
  • Water, tea, smoothies, lemon water, homemade juices
  • Good carbs from whole grains, fruits, veggies, and seeds

5. Do not go back to added sugar

Artificial sugar, particularly the one present in sugary beverages, is one of the worst enemies to dieters and people who want to minimize their risk of heart illness and diabetes. If you want to avert weight gain after weight loss, put an end to candy, baked goods, and soda consumption.

These foods and drinks are full of bad ingredients and absent of the nutrients your body requires for a healthy weight and optimal health.

6. Eat a healthy breakfast

Successful dieters are people who are aware of the importance of eating a healthy breakfast. And, when you include protein in it, you additionally help keep weight off and encourage weight loss.

Therefore, avoid reaching for a bowl of cereals and opt for an egg scramble mixed with sautéed veggies instead. Why is protein so important in the morning? Because it prolongs your satiety, betters the management of the appetite throughout the day, and lowers the chance for unhealthy snacking.

If you want to learn other healthy breakfast options in addition to eggs and veggies, read the following list:

  • Oatmeal and chia seeds
  • Greek yogurt
  • Nuts
  • Berries
  • Smoothies
  • Protein shakes
  • Fruit and fruit salads
  • Flaxseed
  • Cottage cheese

7. Avoid unhealthy breakfasts

As previously noted, if you intend on keeping weight off, it is pivotal that a healthy breakfast remains your routine. Though it is considered to be an important meal of the day, if it is unhealthy, it may do more harm than good. In order to be called a healthy breakfast, the meal needs to comprise of healthy fat, protein, and fiber.

This will supply you with energy and keep you sated. On the other hand, if you go back to unhealthy breakfast variants after losing weight, you increase your risk of weight gain, chronic illness, and low energy levels.

If you are not sure whether your breakfast is healthy or not, check out the list below with the worst breakfast options:

  • Cereals
  • Waffles
  • Pancakes
  • Commercially-sold muffins
  • Fruit juices
  • Margarine and toast
  • Scones with cream and jam
  • Granola bars

8.Hydrate your body

Believe it or not, drinking sufficient amounts of water is not just beneficial for losing, but for keeping weight off too. Namely, research points out that eight to ten glasses of water per day can enhance the metabolic rate by 24 to 30 percent and reduce the appetite. It is important to point out that if you do not feel thirst for this amount of water, you are probably drinking a lot of other drinks like juices, sodas, and alcohol.

Unfortunately, these choices may easily sabotage your slim physique! If you find water’s taste a bit too dull for you, do not worry-spice things up with a slice of lemon, lime or cucumber! And, do not forget about other healthy drinks like smoothies, homemade juices, lemonade, freshly-squeezed lemon juice, green tea, sugarless black coffee, etc.

9. Do not go back to refined carbs

One of the most praised ways to shed weight with the help of diet is ditching simple, i.e. refined carbs. If you go back to these foods after you have lost weight, you elevate your risk of the previous weight coming back.

Since they are low on fiber and empty of other vital nutrients, foods like white pasta, white flour, and white bread are digested very quickly and thus, will maintain your satiety shortly and lead to weight gain. As a result, you may reach for unhealthy food and snacks to satisfy your hunger.

But, as we still need carbs to function optimally and preserve our health, we still need to consume them, but in the right form, that is, complex or good carbs. This includes foods like carrots, potatoes, quinoa, and oats. These foods prolong your satiety and prevent the chance for overeating. Amazing, right?

10. Forget about fad diets

If you plan to lose and keep weight off with the help of fad diets and starvation, you are making a very bad choice. Though you may see fast results with these weight loss methods, their high restriction levels are hard to keep and thus, you will end up losing weight only to gain it back.

Plus, the yo-yo effect linked with these diets can lead to an even bigger percentage of weight gain over time and a higher risk of serious health problems. With this in mind, always choose a sustainable and healthy weight loss plan which will nourish your body in the right way rather than deprive it of vital nutrients.

11. Cook at home

If you go back to eating outside after you have managed to lose weight, you risk the weight from coming back. Therefore, do your best to cook your meals at home to encourage healthy diet and keep the weight loss ongoing. Though today there are a lot of healthy food restaurants to go to, you can maintain your weight in check better if you eat more at home rather than outside.

You control the ingredients, you can experiment with new and healthy ingredients, and save money in the meantime.

12. Choose the right type of fat

Nowadays, we hear a lot about giving up fat if we want to lose weight. As a result, there is an array of products with reduced fat on market shelves worldwide. But, despite the presence of low-fat foods, the obesity rates continue increasing. Why is this so?

Many experts point out that it is because dieters fail to realize that there are two types of fat, i.e. good and bad. Good fat present in avocados, nuts, and olive oil can be of great aid for people who need to shed pounds or keep off weight.

These foods are a far better solution for you rather than low-fat foods. The low-fat options you see in markets today are filled up with sugar to make up for the lack of taste, yet promoted as healthy.

13. Plan meals in advance

Sometimes, dieters struggle with weight maintenance because they lack planning skills for their meals. In order to lose weight and keep it off, you need to learn how to plan what you are going to eat for the following days or weeks.

When you plan your meals, rather than rushing and taking what you have in the fridge, you decrease the chance for unhealthy choices. Stick with a couple of weight loss friendly food standards and mix them up with different types of preparation methods or serving.

This will help you be consistent, yet not feel that you are eating the same foods all the time. Planning meals also requires having a shopping list to prevent buying unhealthy ingredients and foods that can impede your weight maintenance.

14. Try supplements

A lot of dieters reach for quality weight loss pills and supplements to avert the weight from coming back. In order to achieve this, we need to supply our body with the right substances that will keep us slim and healthy.

In addition to food and nutrients from it, we can also acquire important nutrients from the right weight loss supplements and pills. Take into account that they can be of aid only if you are already keeping your diet and physical activity in check.

If you want to hear the best suggestions for quality supplements, read the list below:

  • Glutamine
  • Protein powder
  • Fish oil
  • Matcha green tea
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Green tea extract
  • Carnitine
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Caffeine
  • Garcinia cambogia extract
  • Glucomannan
  • Hydroxycut

15. Get enough sleep

According to studies, lack of sleep can disrupt the hunger signals in the body and reduce the body’s glucose sensitivity and elevate the secretion of ghrelin, a hunger hormone. Plus, it may lower the leptin levels- a hormone that regulates your appetite.

Moreover, individuals who are chronically deprived of sleep have a higher chance of obesity. This being said, do not expect to maintain your current weight if you do not get the needed 7 to 8 hours per sleep per night.

Final Thoughts

If you want to learn how to keep weight off, it is pivotal that you follow our 15 simple rules presented above. In this way, you will prevent the lost weight from coming back and you will also enjoy the amazing benefits of slim figure and good health. Weight maintenance is also a crucial element of weight loss and every dieter should do his/her best to optimize it.

By keeping a healthy diet abundant in fiber and low on added sugar long-term and doing the right combination of exercise, i.e. cardio and weight training, you will minimize your risk of weight gain. It is also pivotal to get the needed amount of sleep and to plan your meals and ingredients in advance.

When needed, dieters can benefit from weight loss supplements, not just to lose weight, but to prevent it from coming back. Last but not least, make sure you stay away from fad diets and get your healthy fats on a regular basis.

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