How to Get a Flat Stomach – Easy Step By Step Guide

Everyone wants a flat stomach, right? Women and men alike strive for firm, toned bellies that look good in a swimsuit – or even in a work suit. But toning your tummy to Hollywood standards isn’t easy. Many people struggle to achieve a flat belly, no matter how many crunches or sit ups they can do!

We’re here to help. In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • The best exercises for a flat stomach
  • Whether sit ups and crunches actually give you a flat belly
  • The fastest way to a flat, toned tummy

Ready to get to work? Here’s what you need to know about getting flat abs in the best way possible.

How do you get a flat stomach?

Let’s begin this guide by getting right to the point. There is no secret way to get a flat stomach overnight. There’s no one exercise you can do that will leave you with a six pack, and there’s no magic pill you can take to get flat abs overnight.

As with any type of weight loss or fitness plan, a flat stomach will only come with dedication and persistence. That’s not to say you can’t do it quickly. That’s not even to say it will even be hard to do. The point is this: it’s not magic.

Many people lose, or don’t have, a flat stomach because of lifestyle choices. Being sedentary is one example. Of course, some people aren’t sedentary by choice – they’re required to sit at a desk for long hours, or they may have health issues that prevent exercise.

Alcohol and poor food decisions are two ways to kill a flat stomach, too. We’ll talk more about that later in this guide.

All this said, the absolute best way to get a flat stomach is by making healthy, active lifestyle choices. A good diet and plenty of exercise are pretty much sure-fire ways to get a flat stomach.

Now, on to the good stuff. How do you get a flat stomach more quickly? Let’s take a look!

1. Diet and food for a flat stomach.

We’ll first begin by talking about diet and food that will help you tone your belly and get the stomach you want. As we mentioned, there isn’t any miracle food that will give you a flat stomach in just a few days, or anything of the sort. Instead, a flat diet is a natural result of a proper diet.

So what does a proper diet entail? Let’s look at the components of a healthy diet, then discuss a few ways you can speed up the process of getting a flat stomach.


Proteins, as with many of the food groups we’ll discuss in this guide, are probably pretty familiar to you. Proteins are essential to your health, as they help to build and repair tissues (such as muscles). They also help protect the health of your nervous system as well as more “cosmetic” aspects such as your hair and your nails.

There are many ways you can incorporate proteins into your diet. As you may know, most people get protein from eating meat. However, even vegetarians need protein, so they must get it in different ways.

Again, there are a lot of ways you can get protein. Here are just a few examples of those ways:

  • Eggs
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Soy (including tofu)
  • Pork
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Dairy
  • Fish and other seafood
  • Game meat like venison

Now, with that said, there are proteins which are more ideal choices if you want a flat stomach. Lean proteins like chicken, fish and eggs will help you get a flat tummy much more quickly than fatty, heavy meats like beef.


Carbohydrates are another very important part of a healthy diet. They’re the main source of energy for your body, and special carbs called complex carbohydrates can actually help prevent certain diseases, like heart disease and high cholesterol.

There are a great many “low carb” diets out there – just search the web and you’ll see what we mean. You’ll find that some people eat the carbohydrate equivalent of just two slices of bread per day! Low carb diets can help you lose weight and get a flat stomach quickly. However, most doctors agree that these diets aren’t sustainable and can actually be detrimental to health in the long term.

There are quite a few ways you can get your daily requirement of carbs. Of course, you’ll have to ask your doctor what that requirement is. Here are a few examples of foods that contain carbohydrates.

  • Bread
  • Fruit
  • Berries
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Foods containing sugar
  • Peas and legumes
  • Dairy

Carbohydrates are one of the easiest nutrients to get in your diet. In fact, almost every food contains carbohydrates, with the exception of animal products and byproducts.


Fiber is sort of a special category, as most foods with significant dietary fiber also contain many carbohydrates. There’s a difference, though. Fiber isn’t absorbed or digested by the body. Instead, it acts as “bulk” and simply passes through the body through the digestive tract.

Some studies have theorized that these bulky fibers act as a broom, sweeping fats and other undesirables from your body. However, that’s not been scientifically proven. There is one huge benefit to fiber, though: fiber makes you feel full! You can literally fill up on fiber and it just passes right on through your body!

It’s important that you add fiber to your meals, but be sure you’re also getting other nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Ensuring you’re getting enough fiber will help you get a flat stomach because you won’t eat as much. Fiber can also help lower your risk of high cholesterol and other diseases.

Foods that are high in fiber include:

  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Green peas
  • Raw carrots
  • Lentils and split peas
  • Whole wheat bread and pasta

Foods that are raw and unprocessed will contain more fiber than those that are cooked. For instance, you’ll find more fiber in an apple than you will in apple juice. For the fastest wat to get a flat stomach, try to always buy fresh.


As with proteins and carbohydrates, there are quite a few different types of fats. Unfortunately, fats have gotten a bad reputation over the years. But some are actually quite good for you, in moderation. Fats are essential to your skin, your brain function, your cholesterol and more.

There are good fats and there are bad fats. Good fats are unsaturated while bad fats are saturated. For the purposes of this guide, we’ll not go into depth about polyunsaturated fats.

The difference between unsaturated and saturated fats is this: saturated fats have been shown to raise levels of bad cholesterol. Replacing them with unsaturated fats can lower it.

Examples of bad fats are the kinds you’ll find in ice cream, cheese and meat. Replace these fats with the unsaturated fats you find in:

  • Nuts
  • Avocacdos
  • Olives and olive oil
  • Some vegetable oils (check the label!)
  • Unprocessed nut butter
  • Fish like salmon and tuna

Diet for a flat stomach

Now you know the types of food you’ll need to consume to maintain a healthy diet and get a flat stomach. So how much do you eat? What are your requirements?

Well, the obvious first choice would be to ask your doctor. Together, you and your doctor can work out a nutritional plan that works for you, your lifestyle and your health considerations. He or she may even refer you to a dietician who can help you with specific meal plans for a flat stomach.

If you’re not ready to take your questions to the doctor, though, scientists have come up with some general guidelines.

In a manner of speaking, to lose belly fat (and weight), you’ll need to expend more calories than you consume. As you may know, the easiest way to expend calories is through exercise. We’ll talk about that in just a bit.

According to studies, the typical 40 year old sedentary adult needs about 1,800 calories per day to maintain his or her healthy weight. That number will vary by your age and activity level.

So how many of those calories should be from fat? Fiber? Carbs? You might be surprised, given current dieting trends. The USDA recommends that between 45 and 65% of your total intake should be calories from carbs! Less than 20% of your calories should come from fat.

The USDA recommendation for protein is a formula: 0.8 grams for every 2 kilograms of body weight. That usually comes out to about 10% of your total intake.

That doesn’t sound like a low carb diet, does it?!

Now, keep in mind that these recommendations are for people with a sedentary lifestyle, Your particular requirements will vary.

Food for a flat stomach

The key takeaway to all of that is this: you’ve got eat the right kinds of foods in order to gain a flat stomach. Rather than eat harmful, saturated fats, choose healthy unsaturated fats. Instead of sugary, processed foods, choose whole grains.

Above all, be sure that the carbohydrates you consume are mainly from foods that are high in fiber. This will help you feel less hungry, and you’ll begin to lose body fat. This, in turn, will lead to a flat stomach.

2. Exercise for a flat stomach

We’ve already covered the fact that  there’s no one exercise that’s going to result in an instantly flat stomach. There’s not even an activity that will give you a flat stomach after just a few workouts.

There’s a truth behind this: you can’t target your weight loss. You can’t pinpoint your weight loss to one specific area of your body. For instance, doing a thousand lunges every day won’t just make you lose weight in your thighs. A thousand crunches each day won’t just help you lose weight in your stomach.

You already know that a proper diet and good healthy exercise are the best way to get a flat stomach. So, as we’ve talked about your dietary requirements, it’s time to move on to the exercise portion of this guide.

Studies recommend that a healthy adult should get 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. Doing vigorous activity? Half that, or 75 minutes each week, will do just fine. It’s best to spread your activity out over the week. So, rather than running for an hour and a half, plan to run for around 20 minutes four times each week.

When you eat a healthy diet and you exercise, you’re going to lose body weight – all over! That includes your stomach, of course. Once you’re down to your ideal weight, it’s time to start strengthening and toning the muscles in your stomach. Here are a few ways to do that.


Pretty much everyone is familiar with crunches. They’re the go-to for many people who are trying to get a flat stomach. They’re just fine when done properly. But there are a two things you should know about crunches.

First, crunches only target the muscles in your body called the rectus abdominus muscles. Those muscles are at the top of your abdominals. In other words, crunches don’t target all your abs.

Secondly, crunches can be dangerous if you don’t do them right. They can actually compress your spine and cause painful – sometimes permanent – nerve damage. To make sure you’re doing crunches correctly, schedule a visit with a personal trainer or fitness instructor.

Sit Ups

Sit ups are another great example of an exercise for flat abs. There are several ways to do sit ups. If you’re just beginning, we recommend lying on the floor with a spotter to hold your feet. Bend your legs at the knee, then cross your hands over your chest.

Using your abdominal muscle, lift yourself from the waist up. Then, using controlled movement, lower yourself to the ground.

Sit ups do target your abdominals. However, you’ll find that your lower back, your thighs and your hamstrings are getting a workout, too!

Balance Balls

There are very few tools that will help you get a flat stomach faster than the balance ball. Also called a stability ball or an exercise ball, these pieces of equipment won’t just help you tone your abs. They’ll also help you improve your overall balance!

The concept behind balance balls is simple: you’re not sitting on a stable surface. To prevent yourself from rolling off and crashing to the floor, you’ve got to use your core muscles to keep yourself on.

There are quite a few exercises you can do with a balance ball. You could do floor marches, in which you just sit on the ball and lift one foot after another. You could do back extensions. In a back extension, you lie on the ball with your head, neck and shoulders resting on it. Your feet are on the floor, and your back is parallel to the floor. Now, all you have to do is raise your butt toward the ceiling!

There are too many exercises to go into in just one guide. Check out many examples of balance ball exercises by doing a web search.

Chair Raises

This exercise is simple – all you need is a chair! Sit on the edge of a chair and put your arms on the edge, fingers out. Now, raise your feet about two inches the floor. Finally, tighten your abs and lift your butt off the chair. Hold the position for as long as you’re able.


There’s no doubt you’ve heard of planking. It’s become more than just an exercise – it’s now a fitness craze. If you’re not familiar with it, just look on YouTube. You can see an explanation of how to do them in this video.  If you’re feeling like you need a good laugh, you’ll enjoy this planking compilation.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to do the exercise. And when you do it right, they can be quite useful in improving your core strength and giving you a flat stomach.

Exercises for flat abs

There are many ways you can use exercise to help you get a flat stomach. In fact, even basic cardio will have you well on your way to toned abs – running, walking, jogging and swimming will all help you trim down and shape up your belly.

For the best results, though, don’t focus on just one or two “tummy” exercises. Instead, incorporate all the muscle groups into your workout, and be sure to do cardio, too. Doing a full range of exercises will help you stay healthy overall. You’ll also keep excess body fat to a minimum, meaning you’ll have less fat in your belly area.

Don’t hesitate to visit a personal trainer to get some workout ideas. Trainers are, well, trained, in all aspects of exercise and physiology. Not only will a trainer be able to help you target the muscle groups you’d like to target, they can also offer valuable insight on nutrition and can help you “liven” up your workout when you get bored.

3. Supplements for a flat stomach

There’s no substitute for a healthy diet and plenty of exercise when you’re trying to get a flat stomach. However, some people do choose to take supplements to help keep belly fat at bay.

If you’re considering taking supplements for a flat stomach, remember this: supplements aren’t a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Don’t fall into the trap of relying on pills and shakes rather than lifestyle changes. You won’t get very far.

With that said, there are supplements you can try that may help you get a flat stomach faster. Let’s look at a few of the supplements; be sure to talk to your doctor before you incorporate any into your daily plan.

Green Tea

In the past several years, green tea has earned the reputation of a sort of super food. The substance is available in pills, shakes and, of course, a drink. So can green tea help you get a flat stomach?

The answer is: maybe. Green tea contains naturally occurring chemicals called catechins which have been shown to help promote weight loss. They may speed metabolic rate in some people, and can help reduce the size of fat cells in the body.

Many green tea supplements contain caffeine, so check with your doctor if you have health concerns which might make green tea unsafe for you.


Believe it or not, magnesium is a great supplement for a flat stomach! It’s not a miracle pill, but it does have one great effect that will help you show off your six pack: it decreases bloating.

As you work to get flat abs, be sure to add some magnesium to your diet. Reduced bloating from hormonal factors or dietary considerations will make your tummy appear flatter and smaller.


We talked about fiber a bit earlier in the nutrition section of this guide. Fiber is a great way to lose weight and get a flat stomach. It helps you feel full, and it also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

You can (and should) incorporate plenty of fiber into your diet, but there are supplements available, too! You’ll find fiber pills, bars, shakes, drinks and more. If you decide to use shakes, drinks or bars, be mindful of the sugar content of these supplements.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another trend that’s hit the diet shelves lately. Television doctors rave about it, the internet swoons over it and you’ll find no small number of supplements in stores.

So can apple cider vinegar (ACV) help you get a flat belly? Well, it can help. According to studies, the acetic acid in ACV can help prevent from depositing throughout your body, and may help increase your metabolism.

If you want to try ACV, you can choose from pills or just a very inexpensive bottle of the liquid from the grocery store. Be sure to dilute apple cider vinegar with plenty of water if you drink it. Alternatively, just dress your salad with it!

Proprietary blends

Visiting your local drug store, your health and nutrition store or even your grocery store, you’ll see plenty of “belly fat burning” blends on the shelves. We can’t speak to the efficacy of any particular brand, so instead we’ll offer you this advice: look it up!

Before you take any type of supplement, be sure you look up each of the ingredients. Check with your doctor if you have any questions about possible interactions with medications you may be taking.

4. Getting a flat stomach – tips for girls

Women have more body fat than men. That’s just science. So how can a woman get a flat stomach without going crazy?

Well, the best way to get a flat tummy is through a holistic approach. As we mentioned earlier in this guide, there’s no such thing as “spot weight loss.” In other words, you can’t target body fat loss to one area of your body.

What you can do, though, is work hard to tone and firm your abs. This will, as you lose weight, give you a firmer, leaner and more defined look. There are no small number of exercises you can do to make this happens, either! Try the exercises we listed above, or complete a full ab workout which includes each of the key abdominal muscle groups:

  • Rectus abdominus – the vertical muscle that runs down the front of your body
  • Transverse abdominus – this muscle wraps around your belly
  • Internal obliques – these muscles are sandwiched between the transverse abdominus and the external obliques
  • External obliques – these criss-cross muscles are located at the sides of your belly

With that said, women who want a flat stomach will do well to exercise on core strength. Cardio workouts like walking or jogging will help. So will balance exercises, pilates and yoga!

One more note for women: remember that you’re more likely than men to have bloating and fluid retention from hormonal fluctuations. Don’t get discouraged – just drink some lemon water to help break that cycle of retention.

5. Getting a flat stomach – tips for men.

Men, generally speaking, like to work out differently than women. While women may be hesitant to hit the weight stacks, men might shy away from calisthenics and bodyweight training.

Keep in mind as you try to achieve your flat stomach that you can lose weight and tone your abs in the same way as women. Don’t be afraid to get on the treadmill or do a few crunches. But if you’d rather work out with your buddies, try the following exercises:

  • Hanging knee raises
  • Pushup to jackknife (use a TRX strap)
  • Barbell rollouts
  • Leg raise with dips

Remember that you won’t have six pack abs if you’re holding on to belly fat. Incorporate healthy habits and a good diet into your routine, and you’ll be seeing a flat, toned stomach before you know it.

6. How to get a flat stomach in a month

Okay, now on to the good stuff! Let’s imagine you have an event coming up. Maybe it’s a trip to the water park. Maybe you’re going to be a groomsman in a wedding. Regardless of your reason, you’ve got a month to prepare, and you want to have a flat stomach on the big day. Can you do it?

Sure! Even if you’ve got ten or so pounds to lose, you can absolutely get a flat stomach in a month. It’s going to take some work, but with self control and good decision making, you can reach your goal in just four weeks.

First, you’ll want to modify your diet. Talk to your doctor about an ideal number of calories to lose weight – a safe rate of weight loss is around 2 pounds per week. That said, most people lose more quickly in the beginning, so you may see three or so pounds of loss each week.

Then, develop an exercise routine. You should plan to work out at least 30 minutes per day. Be sure some of that is cardio, as that will help you burn extra calories. Then, stick with weigh exercises or calisthenics that target your abdominal muscles.

Take supplements if you wish. Try green tea and apple cider vinegar to begin with, then talk to your doctor about additional supplements that may be helpful. Be safe, and ensure your supplements won’t interfere with your medications.

Now, get to work! Stick to your plan, and you can absolutely lose weight and tone your abs in time for the big event! If it sounds simple, it really is! Remember, though, you’re going to have to stick with your plan and exercise self control.

7. How to get a flat stomach in a week.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen. We’re going to be perfectly honest. If you’re overweight or obese, it’s unlikely you’ll have a perfectly flat stomach in a week. Remember that a flat belly is a result of a more holistic approach to weight loss and health. Change your diet, add exercise to your routine, and you’ll be well on your way to a flat stomach.

That said, if you’re already at your ideal weight and you want to look your best for a blind date or other event that’s just a week away, we’ve definitely got some tips for you!

Prepare to be very strict with yourself! Your weight, as well as the amount of fluid your body retains, will fluctuate from day to day. For that reason, you can’t have any “cheat days” this week. Stick to your plan!

Cut out foods that contain processed sugar, including drinks. Sugary sodas are a no-no for the whole week. So are sweet snacks and candy bars.

Avoid salty foods at all costs! Salt will make you retain fluid, adding to a bloated look and hiding your toned abs. Alcohol is off the table for the week, too. Just say no to that beer.

With those things in mind, here’s what you need to do to have a flat stomach in a week:

  • Work out daily, focusing on abdominal muscles.
  • Drink nothing but water! You should even think twice before you drink that coffee.
  • Green tea can be a good choice, but be sure you don’t add sugar.
  • Keep salty foods to a minimum, choosing to eat fresh fruits, veggies and lean meats.
  • Eat plenty of fiber! Remember – those carbohydrates aren’t digested and “don’t count.”
  • Add a dash of lemon to your water. Lemon is a natural diuretic and will reduce fluid retention.

Over the course of the week, be sure you practice good posture. Standing with your tummy tucked in and your back straight will help give you even more of the appearance of a flat stomach.

In short, if you’re not at an ideal weight, you’re probably not going to have a perfectly flat stomach within a week. However, no matter how much you weigh you can make your stomach appear flatter by following these simple tips.

8. The fastest way to a flat stomach

Whether you have a week, a month or a year, you probably want to know the fastest way to a flat stomach. The answer is simple: a healthy lifestyle with targeted exercise!

If you’ve learned one thing from this guide, it’s that you can’t have a flat stomach without making some exercise and dietary changes. You just can’t. There’s no way to target fat in just your stomach, so you’ll have to take a more comprehensive approach to your plan.

We’ll keep this section straightforward, and simply summarize what that comprehensive approach entails.  Follow the tips below for the fastest way to a flat stomach.

  • Eat a healthy diet, filled with fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats and “good” fats.
  • Drink water and herbal or green tea, cutting out sugary drinks.
  • Take supplements if you like, so long as they’re safe for you. Check with your doctor if you need help.
  • Follow an exercise routine that incorporates cardio and resistance training. Some exercises should focus on your abdominal muscles.
  • Talk to a personal trainer if you need help figuring out which exercises will help you reach your goals.
  • Be aware that your weight will fluctuate daily. Make a flat stomach a long-term goal and don’t get discouraged.
  • Women, keep hormonal fluctuations in mind.
  • Your first step in getting a flat stomach is getting yourself to an ideal weight.
  • You can get a flat stomach, but it’s going to take some work and self-control!

9. Foods to avoid for a flat stomach

We’ve talked about the right foods to eat for a flat stomach. But what about the foods that are bad for you? That will make you hold fluid, or keep you from burning belly fat? Here are some foods you should avoid if you’re working toward a toned tummy.

Beer and alcohol

It’s not called a “beer belly” for nothing! Beer and alcohol can be hugely detrimental to your efforts to achieve a flat stomach. Alcohol slows your metabolism, prohibiting your body from burning calories and digesting foods in the way it should. For a flat stomach, avoid alcohol.


While some dairy in your diet is a good thing, dairy can cause you to have a bloated feeling… and appearance! It’s also very dense in calories, with one cup of 2% milk containing a whopping 122 calories! If you’re trying to get a flat stomach, steer clear of dairy.


You’re going to consume some sugar in the fruits and veggies that you eat. But stay away from processed sugars. Sugar has absolutely no nutritional value and oodles of calories – one cup of sugar contains 773 calories.


Juice may be made from fruit, but it’s not the same thing as eating fresh fruit. Instead of drinking calorie-dense fruit juice, choose to eat fiber-rich fruits.

Energy bars

Not all energy bars are bad. However, if you’re aiming for toned abs, it’s best to stay away from them. Most energy bars are packed full of sugar and those empty calories will sneak up on you. Rather than gobbling up an energy bar, grab a handful of nuts and some berries or fresh fruit.

Fizzy drinks

Yes, we mentioned soda. But did you know that the carbonated water you’re buying could contribute to bloating? When a flat stomach is your goal, always reach for water. Always.


Having a toned, flat stomach seems to be the picture of perfect health. You want to look good in a swimsuit, and you want your clothes to fit you nicely. So how do you achieve your goal?

Through lifestyle changes and exercise! You can have a flat stomach if you simply change a few habits. Skip the alcohol and the processed foods, and add some fresh, whole foods. Add fiber to your diet and incorporate exercise into your day.

As with any nutritional and exercise program, you should speak with your physician before beginning. Be safe, have fun, and enjoy showing off your flat stomach!