FACTS: Burn Fat With Tablets (Magic Pills) – 10 Scientific Ingredients

Do you want to enhance your weight loss results and burn fat with the help of potent tablets? Do you need an additional boost to burn fat from problematic body parts like the belly and hips?

Without doubt, it’s not uncommon among dieters to implement tablets in their weight loss plans to speed up the reduction.

In our review today, we’ll discuss some of the best tablets to burn fat and how to improve your diet and lifestyle and prevent the weight from coming back.

If you decide to add supplements to your diet, it’s always a good idea to research the most common ingredients they contain and their effects and possible side effects.

Opt for the tablets whose ingredients are scientifically-backed up, i.e. there’s research done on their effects. Otherwise, you’re not just consuming something that’s not been tested and may have a negative impact on your health, but you’re also wasting money!

Another crucial fact is that these tablets never work in isolation, i.e. you can’t expect long-term and sustainable results if you take them without making improvements in your diet, lowering your calorie intake and burning more calories than you consume, and of course, exercising regularly.

Thanks to our detailed guide, here’s what you’ll be able to learn:

  • how to choose quality tablets to burn fat
  • when supplementation is a good choice
  • effective scientific ingredients common in weight loss tablets

With this in mind, if you’re planning on adding some supplements to your diet to lower fat, read our entire review.

We’ll talk about 10 scientific ingredients added in supplements that are known for their fat burning properties. But, this isn’t all! We’ll also offer useful tips on how to best combine these supplements and a healthy lifestyle.

Stay tuned…

10 Scientific Ingredients in Fat Burning Tablets

1. African mango

A natural substance popular for weight loss

Rich in crucial nutrients

Popular in alternative medicine for other health benefits

African mango is a popular ingredient in weight loss tablets. This natural substance is promoted for weight loss because of its potential capacity to suppress the appetite, speed up the metabolic rate, and avert the build-up of fat.

This substance boasts potent nutrients, including amino acids, fiber, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

Nonetheless, a lot of the studies done on its effects have been sponsored by the manufacturers and some of them have showed that the supplements with African mango extract encouraged more weight loss than the weight loss noticed in the placebo group. [1]

But, more independent studies are necessary in order to be certain about the effects and possible side effects of this substance and whether it’s a viable option to burn fat.

Anyhow, if you decide to opt for this supplement and if you have chosen to burn fat with tablets, make sure you choose ones with pure African mango supplements with a USP seal that ensures the product’s quality.

And, consult your doctor prior to adding this supplement to your diet, especially if you’ve been diagnosed with some health problem or if you’re taking prescribed meds.


  • May help speed up the metabolism
  • May decrease the appetite
  • May help prevent the piling up of fat


  • A lot of studies are done by manufacturers
  • More independent studies are needed

2. Beta glucans

-Naturally present in some foods

-A type of soluble fiber

-May help with cholesterol reduction & immunity strengthening

Beta glucans are glucose polysaccharides which are present in yeasts, bacteria, fungi and cereal grains like barley and oats. Being soluble fibers, they are believed to help boost the feeling of fullness and the transition time of food in the intestines and to slow down the absorption of glucose.

According to research, intake of beta-glucans from barley helped lower the energy intake and appetite. [2] The supplements with beta-glucans, according to claims by manufacturers, because they’re soluble fibers that absorb water and impact digestion, may increase your satiety and thus, help you eat less and burn fat and lose weight faster.

However, more research is necessary in order to show whether beta-glucans cause weight loss and how they actually trigger this process. When it comes to the right dosage of beta-glucan tablets, it’s not entirely clear as it may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

The good news is that tablets aren’t the only way in which you can acquire this substance- it’s commonly present in barley, oats, some mushrooms, and Baker’s yeast. And, always take into account that to burn fat with tablets and maintain a healthy weight, you need to follow a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis first.


  • It’s a good fiber
  • It has a positive effect on the digestion
  • Can be acquired from foods or supplements


  • Lack of research
  • Best dosage isn’t known

3. Chromium

-Essential trace element

-Can be acquired from some foods and supplements

-Several different types of chromium supplements

This mineral is an essential trace element since very low amounts of it are needed for our health. One  type of chromium is present in foods and supplements and is safe for human consumption, but the second one is a toxin associated with skin issues and lung cancer.

Often times, it’s taken orally to help burn fat, lose weight, and elevate muscle. Many people also get it from tablets with the goal to better athletic performance, boost their energy, and normalize blood sugar levels.

Early evidence indicates that intake of chromium in combination with resistance training may better the loss of body fat and encourage weight loss, as well as boost lean body mass. When it comes to obesity, the data available about its impact is conflicting. [3]

Namely, on one hand, chromium was found to be beneficial for weight loss in overweight and obese individuals. However, the lost weight wasn’t significant. Other research has shown that chromium supplementation didn’t encourage weight loss.

In terms of safety, trivalent chromium (the one safe for human consumption) was found to be well-tolerated. However, adverse effects such as watery stools, weakness, nausea, and headaches were discovered in clinical trials.

If you are eating and exercising right, but need that extra push to slim down, try and burn fat with tablets. In addition to acquiring it from whole grain breads and cereals, herbs, cheese, and lean meats, you can also find it in pill form.

When looking for chromium, you will encounter several different types, with chromium picolinate being the most popular one as it’s the most easily absorbed by the body.


  • May help reduce body fat and lose weight
  • You can get it from specific foods
  • Beneficial when combined with resistance training


  • Doesn’t work in isolation
  • Some forms are less absorbable than others

4. Guar Gum

-Low in calories and high in fiber

-Often used for reduction of blood sugar and cholesterol

-Excessive usage should be avoided

This fiber is acquired from guar beans-plant which grows in India and Pakistan. Though it’s used as an ingredient in some foods because of its properties, it can also be found in supplement form.

According to some studies, guar gum may help with weight loss and to burn fat by curbing the appetite. [4]

Namely, as fiber goes through the body undigested, it increases the feeling of fullness and lowers the appetite.

Consequently, you eat fewer calories, which is a key factor in pound shedding. But, though it’s safe when moderately consumed, in some people, it may cause an allergic reaction and in others digestive discomfort like bloating and gas.

To prevent these effects, make sure you consume broth, tea, and other hot and soothing drinks throughout the day and to follow the recommendations from the manufacturer. Guar gum tablets can be found online or in natural food shops and supplement shops.

Further on, guar gum is believed to slow down the carb absorption when taken prior to meals and thus, it minimizes the increase of blood sugar. The recommended dosage is a 5 mg capsule before meals with 10 oz. of water.

Nonetheless, before you try to burn fat with tablets or before you begin using supplements, make sure you consult your doctor or a professional dietician to learn more if this is the right option for you.


  • Present in some foods and in supplements
  • May help reduce the appetite
  • Available online and in supplement shops


  • Most supplements are unregulated
  • It may cause digestive discomfort
  • Possible allergic reactions in some

5. Forskolin

-Extracted from the roots of a plant

-Has a structure similar to glucose

-’Rose to fame’ as a weight loss supplement after presented by a TV doctor

Forskolin is an extract from the roots of a plant called Coleus forskohlii. This root is a chemical compound that’s long been a part of natural medicine and its popularity as a weight loss supplement has recently plummeted.

A part of its structure is similar to glucose, which makes it able to activate CAMP, a cellular messenger. This second messenger’s activation is vital as it helps in the regulation of fat metabolism and blood glucose.

Current available research has found that this supplement may help people burn fat and promote healthy weight in two main ways. [5]  Firstly, it may be of aid in speeding up the metabolism and secondly, in the reduction of fat.

Moreover, it encourages the white fat cells to behave as the brown ones and burn fat through thermogenesis. This is similar to what happens to thermogenesis through workout. According to other findings from research, these tablets may help build muscle too.

However, more studies done with humans are needed to confirm the previous findings and establish the supplement’s safety. In case you’re taking some meds and trying to burn fat with tablets, it’s best to steer away from this particular supplement, as well as if you’re breastfeeding or pregnant.


  • May help avert weight gain
  • May be of aid for weight management
  • May help burn fat from hip, buttocks, and belly


  • Limited number of studies
  • Often sold by many disreputable companies
  • Interacts with beta blockers or nitrates for chest ache

6. Hoodia gordonii

-More than a dozen types of hoodia

-Hoodia gordonii is available in supplement form

-Extracted from a succulent plant

Hoodia is a succulent plant which grows in South Africa, Namibia, Angola, and Botswana semi-desserts. In the last few years, hoodia has been marketed for pound shedding and has become very popular.

A lot of its popularity is a result of the claims that the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert used hoodia for years to prevent hunger and thirst during hours of hunting trips.

They would cut off the stem and consume the bitter plant. There are more than 13 types of hoodia and the active ingredient that was discovered is steroidal glycoside, also known as p57, which is only present in one type of the plant, i.e. hoodia gordonii.

This type of hoodia is available in tablets, but also in tea, powder, and liquid form.

It can be purchased online by placing an order or in specialized supplement shops. According to a study done with lab mice from 2004, the animals who were administered p57 ate less than the placebo group. [6]

But, human studies are needed to see if oral consumption of this active ingredient can reduce appetite in humans.

And, scientists need to discover the mechanism in which hoodia tablets may lower the appetite and help overweight or obese people eat less. If you decide to opt for these tablets, it’s vital to take into account the numerous reports of fake hoodia supplements that contain suspicious ingredients and practically little of the p57 ingredient.

Therefore, opt for hoodia supplements from reputable sellers only if your goal is to burn fat and slim down. Possible side effects that have been reported are heart rate and blood pressure increase.

This is why it’s best to consult your doctor prior to introducing any supplement into your lifestyle.


  • Its active ingredient p57 caused appetite reduction in mice
  • p57 may also elevate stamina
  • It’s natural


  • Lack of research on its effects
  • Possible unwanted effects like increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Fake hoodia supplements are common

7. Pyruvate

-Naturally produced in the body through breaking of sugar

-Available in smaller amounts in some foods

-Promoted for weight loss and better athletic performance

This three-carbon compound is produced in the body through the process of glycolysis (breakdown of sugar) and it’s also available as a supplement, most often in the form of calcium pyruvate.

This compound transforms starches and sugar into energy and then the energy acts like a catalyst to burn fat. In addition to being available in the form of tablets, you also get it from food sources like cheese, red wine, dark beer, and apples.

However, as this is a quite small amount to be able to encournage weight loss, supplementation seems like a practical choice. According to suggestions by researchers, pyruvate may boost workout performance and lower surplus weight and fat, potentially by the boost of lipolysis and energy expenditure.

In one study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study found that women who were on a low-calorie diet dropped more pounds and reduced more fat when they took pyruvate supplements. [7]

However, the number of studies on the effects of this supplement in humans is only a few and though some have concluded its positive influence on weight and fat reduction, others haven’t.

Even though no severe effects have been discovered when taken up to 30 grams as long as 6 weeks, it may trigger bloating, diarrhea, gas, and rumbling noise in the intestines in some individuals.

In order to burn fat with tablets and slim down, you need it to be 100 percent pure and free of chemicals, allergens, and fillers, in addition to reducing your calories, eating healthy, and exercising.

The best options are pharmaceutical grade, scientifically reviewed, and clinically tested supplements. You can find this particular tablet online or in specialized supplement stores.


  • May help lose more weight
  • May boost athletic performance
  • Has been linked with weight and fat loss


  • Some studies haven’t shown weight loss benefits
  • May cause intestinal discomfort in some
  • Small number of studies done with humans

8. Probiotics

-Type of live bacteria and yeasts that our gut needs

-Two groups are the most important: lactobacillus and bifidobacterium

-Often used for management of IBS and diarrhea

Probiotics are live organisms which are naturally present in our gut. A lot of fermented foods and supplements also have them. Their primary purpose is to maintain the gut flora balance and boost the body’s digestion and immunity.

But, there’s also research in preliminary phases which suggests that they may also be beneficial for weight loss and to burn fat. How can probiotic tablets be of aid to burn fat and lose extra pounds?

Namely, an unhealthy digestive system may contribute to dysbiosis or an imbalance in the gut microbes.

According to research, this may lead to obesity, even though it may not be the underlying reason.[8] Also, it was discovered that people with a healthy weight and obese individuals had differences in their gut bacteria.

Research in animals discovered that gut flora changes led to loss or gain of weight, accordingly.

But, in humans, this didn’t lead to the same effects. What this suggests is that there is a notable change in the gut when we gain weight.

All in all, current studies conclude that the effects of probiotics on weight depend on various factors, including dose, duration, and strain, as well as the user’s age, body weight, and sex.

Luckily for those who want to burn fat with tablets, in this case, with probiotics, there are only minor side effects like gas (unless a person’s immunity has been compromised or they’ve been seriously ill).

A potentially useful probiotic to burn fat and encourage pound reduction are the Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus amylovorus, as well as Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

It’s vital to emphasize that weight loss isn’t the sole way to fight off obesity-prevention also plays its role and probiotics may be of aid.


  • Good type of bacteria our gut needs
  • Boost the digestion and immunity
  • May be useful for weight loss and prevention of weight gain


  • There’s not sufficient research
  • Probiotics’ effects depend on numerous factors

Final Thoughts

Indeed, losing weight isn’t an easy process, especially when the right methods aren’t being implemented. As we often emphasize, in order for weight loss to happen, one needs to burn more calories than the amount they consume and the best ways to achieve this is through healthy diet and regular exercise.

But, sometimes, a lot of dieters face struggles or periods when they feel that they’re not losing as much weight as they wanted. In such situations, many decide to implement additional tools-dietary supplements.

And, for a lot of dieters, they’re the boost they’ve been looking for; however, for others, supplements don’t help in the way they’ve imagined them to. This is because in order for these products to work, a healthy diet and regular exercise need to be already practiced.

However, many people try crash diets, starve themselves out, regularly exercise or don’t do the right exercise.

Before embarking on the supplement journey, you need to be aware that the research on supplements is insufficient and that they’re not regulated by adequate agencies. So, there’s no guarantee that you’ll lose weight or burn belly or hip weight if you add them.

However, if you do, it’s pivotal to choose the best one and this can be quite challenging if we take into account that there are plenty to choose from and they’re produced by a variety of manufacturers.

With this in mind, it’s very beneficial to learn more about the most popular tablets and scientific ingredients present in them that are considered effective for fat burning.

Last but not least, remember, before you make a final decision, always consult your doctor or a dietician to see if you’ve on the right path!

Reference sites:

  1. https://www.verywellfit.com/african-mango-for-weight-loss-90046
  2. https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/features/african-mango-supplements#1
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/beta-glucans
  4. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/beta-glucans-uses-and-risks#1
  5. https://www.instantknockout.com/ik/could-beta-glucan-be-the-key-to-weight-loss/
  6. https://www.nutraingredients-asia.com/Article/2017/07/25/High-beta-glucan-barley-aids-weight-loss-and-fat-reduction-Japan-RCT
  7. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-932/chromium
  8. https://www.energyfirst.com/site/newsletter/08-23-05-Chromium-Picolinate.htm
  9. https://www.shape.com/weight-loss/tips-plans/ask-diet-doctor-does-chromium-accelerate-weight-loss
  10. https://www.verywellfit.com/guar-gum-health-benefits-89460
  11. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-919/guar-gum
  12. https://draxe.com/nutrition/guar-gum/
  13. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/a19573959/forskolin-for-weight-loss/
  14. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/forskolin-uses-and-risks#1
  15. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/forskolin-does-it-work-for-weight-loss
  16. https://www.transparentlabs.com/blogs/all/how-forskolin-reduces-fat
  17. https://draxe.com/nutrition/forskolin/
  18. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/expert-answers/hoodia/faq-20058476
  19. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/hoodia-lots-of-hoopla-little-science#1
  20. https://www.verywellfit.com/hoodia-gordonii-review-89886
  21. https://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-living/alternative-health/hoodia-dangers-how-dangerous-hoodia/
  22. https://www.personanutrition.com/blog/the-potential-of-pyruvate/
  23. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-34/pyruvate
  24. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/WeightLoss-HealthProfessional/#pyruvate
  25. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/WeightLoss-HealthProfessional
  26. https://www.thehealthy.com/nutrition/probiotics/best-probiotics-for-weight-loss/
  27. https://fittrimhappy.com/probiotics-for-weight-loss/
  28. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/probiotics-and-weight-loss#section3