SUPER GUIDE – Best Fat Burning Pills & Fat Burning Tablets – How do They Work?

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has almost tripled since 1975, with 650 million people classified as obese – and the number is still increasing. This is an alarming number, considering the many complications you can develop in case you belong in the heavier scale.

Then comes fat burning pills and fat burning tablets to help you and millions of people around the world to go back to the healthy scale.

So, what is it exactly?

Fat burner is a type of supplement or drug that helps burn fat to improve not just your weight and appearance but also the overall health of the user. People often use this type of supplement as a dietary supplement to aid in getting rid of excess fat in the body and at the same time, to achieve your desired weight. Bodybuilders also use fat burning pills to help burn fat, particularly the top layer of fat for more defined muscles and to achieve a more “ripped” appearance.

Most fat burning tablets you will see in the market want to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Still, not all fat burning pills sold are made equally. At the end of the day, it will all boil down on the ingredients and not the celebrity endorsing it.

What makes a good fat burner? It’s all about the ingredients. Here are some of the key ingredients the best fat burning pills should contain:

  • Caffeine – It turns out this this favorite energy and alertness booster can also act as a fat burner. When taken, caffeine can increase the rate of fatty acid metabolism and decreases carbohydrate (glucose) metabolism rate. Take note that caffeine alone cannot help you lose weight but it is more effective as a fat burner when taken before doing aerobic exercises.
  • Carnitine – This is a favorite in many weight loss supplements. Carnitine helps break down fats, thereby allowing fatty acids to be absorbed into the muscles.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid – Also known as CLA, this ingredient is a polyunsaturated fat that is commonly found in meat sources, specifically grass-fed cows. It helps reduce body fat mass, which eventually help in improving general well-being and overall quality of life.
  • Forskolin – This is one of the newest ingredients included in fat burning pills and fat burning tablets because of its ability to boost the release of fatty acids. A study published in Obesity Research also showed that obese people will benefit from this because of its ability to decrease fat and increase lean body mass.
  • Garcinia Cambogia – Most fat burning tablets will have this ingredient. This is because it inhibits fat producing enzymes from taking over your body and offers a positive effect on weight loss.
  • Green Tea – This is another popular ingredient in many fat burning pills. When taken, green tea could reduce your appetite, speed up metabolism, and help burn fats and calories. The best part is this ingredient is loaded with antioxidants as well.
  • Orlistat – This ingredient decreases the body’s fat absorption rate, thereby encouraging weight loss.

How do they work? 

The mechanism of fat burning pills and fat burning tablets is simple: it burns fat. They can do so by supplying your body with stimulants that help speed up metabolism. As a result, your body is more able to burn fat rapidly and convert it into energy.

Aside from acting as a stimulant, your appetite is likewise suppressed by manipulating the chemicals and hormones in your body and send signals to your brain to make you feel full.

How exactly do fat burning pills do this mechanism?

When you take fat burning tablets, the stimulating ingredients causes the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, two crucial hormones that sends signals to fat stores to mobilize fat to the blood stream.

Here’s the thing: even if fats are released in the bloodstream, they do not automatically disappear; otherwise it could remain there. This is why it is important to include exercise in your routine to make the most out of fat burning pills. Don’t worry. We will share more tips on how to maximize fat burners, so make sure you stick around until the end. 

What are the different types of fat burning tablets?

Now that you know what fat burning pills do, it’s time to get to know their different types. There are seven main types of fat burning tablets:

  • Appetite Suppressant – From the name itself, this type of fat burner suppresses your appetite so you will feel fuller longer, thereby making you eat less. This affects the number of calories you will consume as well. To make it more effective, take this type of fat burning pills 30 minutes before scheduled meals.
  • Carbohydrate Blocker – This type of fat burning pills has enzymes to prevent your body from digesting all the carbohydrate contents on the food you eat. As a result, you consume fewer calories during the day.
  • Cortisol Blocker – Keep in mind that cortisol is a stress hormone that influences how your body will store fat. The higher the cortisol levels in your body, the more you will consume and store fat. Cortisol blocker prevents that minimizing the adverse effects of stress hormone inside your body.
  • Fat Blocker – Fat burner and fat blocker complement each other. Specifically, fat blocker prevents absorption of fat inside your body by binding with the fat from the food you eat.
  • Growth Hormone Booster – There are fat burning tablets that promote the production of growth hormones and other anabolic chemicals. During your sleep, these chemicals increase muscle production, which takes up energy in itself. This leads to fat loss as well.
  • Thermogenics – As the name suggests, this type of fat burning pills raise your body temperature; hence expends more calories and increases one’s metabolic rate.
  • Thyroid Regulators – Did you know that thyroid regulates your metabolism? Thyroid regulators stimulate this large endocrine gland more effectively to boost your metabolism.

Why should I take fat burning pills and fat burning tablets?

There are several reasons why:

  • You get to lose weight faster, thereby saving you more time and energy during workouts.
  • Improved metabolism, which means you get to burn fat faster.
  • Increase in focus and energy since fat burning pills are loaded with stimulants that keep you alert and awake throughout the day. This also helps you during your workouts.
  • An effective way to suppress your appetite; thereby reducing your food and caloric intake.
  • Your body has better calorie burning capacity.

How can you say no these benefits?

Any fat burning pills and tablets side effects we should know?

Despite its good intentions, fat burning pills and fat burning tablets could also lead to adverse effects in your body. This includes:

  • Anxiety
  • Headache
  • Potentially burns triglycerides, which is one of the essential fatty acids your body needs to function properly.
  • Increases blood pressure and stress levels
  • Difficulty sleeping or development of insomnia
  • Twitching
  • Dehydration
  • Mood swings

Does this mean fat burning pills are not recommended? Not really. Below are some tips you need to remember to reduce or avoid these side effects:

  • Use fat burning tablets in small quantities.
  • Avoid excessive usage of fat burning pills since they are not meant for long-term use.
  • Consider your current health status. For instance, thermogenics may increase heart rate, which is not advisable if you have an existing heart condition.

What are the best fat burning pills and fat burning tablets for men?

Yes, men need fat burning tablets too. Believe it or not, it will make you look ripped with your six-pack looking good. The question now is what kind of fat burning pills should you get.

First things first, you need fat burning tablets that will help you do these three things:

  • Burns fat faster so you can easily see the results of your workout.
  • Boost your energy levels to help improve your workout.
  • Help you achieve that “look,” which is often harder to achieve with dieting alone.

There are many fat burning pills sold in the market that promise many things, so make sure to take note of these three crucial points and pay attention to the ingredients used. As much as possible, go for fat burning tablets that are stimulation-based and made of natural ingredients to reduce possible side effects. Combine this with regular exercise and good sleep, and make sure you don’t drink more than what is recommended. 

What about the best fat burning pills for women? 

If there is a group who are more than willing to try fat burning tablets, then women would be the first in line. After all, how can you say no to a product that burns fat, suppresses your appetite, and helps you lose weight faster than workout and diet combined.

What should fat burning tablets do to make sure they deserve the best award? The pills should help you:

  • Burn fat faster
  • Suppress your appetite so you can eat less
  • Boost your energy levels not just for better workouts but also for more burning of calories
  • Speed up metabolism to aid you in burning more fat

Some of the key ingredients in your fat burning pills are:

  • Caffeine to boost metabolism
  • Green coffee bean extract to burn fat
  • Green tea extract for improved metabolism
  • Garcinia to prevent fat producing enzymes in your body

Similar to men, combine your intake of fat burning tablets with the right diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep to see

Additional tips to make fat burning tablets work 

We explored the good and bad sides of fat burning pills. You might experience apprehension, which is normal since it only shows how much you also value your health.

Here’s something you should know: there are several secrets that will help you make the most out of fat burning tablets. Check out these tips in making fat burning pills work for you:

  • Have realistic weight loss expectations. Fat burning tablets will burn fat, but don’t expect them to work overnight.
  • Choose the right fat burning pills according to your body’s mechanisms. If you are allergic to certain stimulants, then make sure you go for products that are stimulant-free. It is also important to understand your health status to help you identify what ingredients you’re not allowed to take.
  • Exercise regularly. Taking fat burning tablets is just one part of the weight loss equation. If you are serious about kicking fat from your body, then you need to aid fat burners from burning fat through exercise.
  • Take fat burning pills first thing in the morning. Fat burning tablets with caffeine and green tea extract are more effective during this time; hence more able in stimulating your metabolism.
  • Drink water as much as you can. Keep in mind that fat burners stimulate your metabolism, which means expect more sweating. There are also fat burning pills that contain diuretics such as caffeine, which could cause dehydration if you don’t return water inside your body. Therefore, drink at least eight glasses of water everyday.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is an important factor in a weight loss equation. This is the time when your body repairs and recharges itself, and your body will be more able to burn fat if enough rest is achieved.
  • Give fat burning pills a break. Always remember that fat burning tablets are not meant to be used for a long time. Consequently, your body gets “desensitized” to certain ingredients as you use it over time, especially for stimulant-based fat burning pills. You will notice that you are no longer enjoying the same effects compared to the first time you tried taking them. As a result, fat burning tablets become less effective. To avoid this, take the pills for a maximum of four weeks and get at least two weeks rest.

More importantly, remember this tip: more is not always better. In fact, the recommended dosage is printed on the label as a guide on how to properly use fat burning pills and fat burning tablets. Follow this to avoid over-dosage and experience unwanted effects.