What is The Best Appetite Suppressant? – COMPLETE GUIDE

Nowadays, due to the increased presence of processed, fast, and junk foods in our diets, more and more people have started struggling with obesity and a result of this global problem, there has also been a significant growth in the number of people suffering from diseases associated with surplus pounds, such as diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses. With this in mind, it seems quite reasonable to want to lose weight; however, it is pivotal to first find the adequate methods to achieve this. One beneficial way is to manage the appetite, i.e. to suppress the appetite.

  • Are you on a weight loss journey?
  • Have you been struggling with an increase in appetite?
  • Is your hunger preventing you from losing weight?

If your answer to at least two of the above-mentioned questions is a yes, make sure you read the full article because we have compiled a list with the most effective appetite suppressants that will help you get a slimmer figure in no time.


The Best Appetite Suppressants Available

When it comes to a successful weight loss, what is crucial is to decrease the daily intake of calories; however, a lot of the diets designed for weight loss found online trigger an increase in the appetite and extreme hunger, which additionally impedes the shedding of pounds. Since constant hunger when attempting your best to get rid of those extra pounds can be debilitating, reducing the appetite seems of high importance.

Our appetite is regulated by the hormone known as ghrelin which notifies our body when we have been without food for some period. When we drink the right drinks between meals, eat the right filling foods, and when we learn to control our stress levels, it becomes much easier to get control of our appetite and lose weight quickly. In some cases, specific appetite suppressants can be of great aid as well. You want to find out more about suppressing your appetite the right way? No worries, make sure you check out the list below!

1. Foods that suppress the appetite

Without doubt, one of the most significant aspects of a successful shedding of surplus pounds is a healthy diet comprised of whole foods and of course, foods that will help you curb the appetite and avert overeating. When you introduce these foods to your daily diet, you will manage to prolong your satiety and still be sure not to exceed the recommended amount of calories. You are probably wondering which foods have these astonishing properties, right? We have included the most potent ones in the following list:

Fiber- and water-rich foods

Foods abundant in fiber and water, such as fruits and veggies, are known to add bulk to meals and fill the stomach quickly. It was also discovered that eating foods high in volume and low in calories results in eating less during the day. Hence, prior to your lunch, opt for a fresh and easy salad or a plate of soup.

Foods that contain lean protein

Did you know that lean protein present in fish, lean meat, poultry, eggs, and soybean is the ideal ally for appetite suppression and weight loss efforts? The chances for feeling fuller after protein are higher than when you consume other nutrients. This being said, you will be able to lose weight and not feel hungry; you just need more lean protein! For example, instead of having a soda drink, go with a a glass of low-fat milk and make sure you add protein to your breakfast, like eggs, and you will avert overeating calories later in the day.

Solid foods

If you are wondering how to reduce your hunger while on a diet, you should know that opting for a solid food is a much better solution than drinking fluids. This being said, instead of eating a meal replacement drink, choose a meal replacement bar to up your satiety.

READ MORE – 14 Foods That Burn Fat And Make You Skinny 

2. Natural appetite suppressants

With the assistance from natural appetite suppressants, you will easily achieve satiety and prevent overeating in a natural way. These suppressants are a safe and effective method to decrease your hunger and lose some weight as a result. They will help you put off cravings and unhealthy snacking at bay. Certainly, a holistic approach to hunger suppression is highly recommendable. Here are the 4 ultimate natural ways to suppress your appetite:

Green tea

Specific substances and antioxidants from this tea have a positive effect on the regulation of the appetite hormones. It also has thermogenic properties and aids the body in burning fat for energy.

READ MOREComplete Guide to Green Tea and it´s Fat Burning Effect

Saffron extract

Saffron has the power to lower the need for snacking and to improve the mood, resulting in less emotional and PMS overeating. Begin with a standard dosage of 30 mg per day.

Grapefruit essential oil

Did you know that the acids, antioxidants, enzymes, and volatile oils present in this essential oil are excellent in curbing the appetite, reducing cravings, stimulating loss of weight, and increasing your energy levels? To reap its benefits, add the oil in a diffuser, to shower soaps, or massage the body with it.

Spicy foods

Spicy ingredients like curry, black pepper, turmeric, ginger, etc. can lower hunger and enhance the body’s capacity for fat burning. Also, they are free of calories and can help you decrease the consumption of harmful enhancers like sugar and salt. You can add them to teas, detox beverages, fish, other proteins, soups, and stews.

3. Appetite suppressant pills

In addition to exercising in order to build muscles, for visible weight loss results, it is necessary to reduce fat as well and this is where hunger suppressant pills can be of aid. They will minimize the pangs that interfere with the progress from your workout and keep you on track. Take them in the morning for an all-day support. It is pivotal to distinguish between the quality and low-quality ones in order to prevent spending too much money and time without getting any positive results.

Some of these pills can be bought with prescription whereas others do not require it. Available prescription appetite suppressant pills are Contrave, Belviq, and Saxenda whereas the ones without prescription can be bought online or in drugstores. Some of the most popular ones are Zantrex, QuickTrim, and PhenElite. The difference between these two is that the former are FDA approved whereas the latter are not, that is, they have not been tested. Let us take a look at the two distinct types of suppressants available according to their properties:

READ MOREHow do they really work? – “Weight Loss Pills and weight loss tablets”

Stimulant appetite suppressants

They activate the central nervous system and supply you with additional energy and speed up the metabolism temporarily. What’s more, they trigger the fight-or-flight response of the body and thus, repress the hunger. Some of the ingredients included in these supplements are caffeine, kola nut, bitter orange, guarana, hoodina, ephedra, and caffeine.

Non-stimulant suppressants

These drugs focus on the brain areas in charge of appetite and satiety. They dull the signals which are normally informing you to eat and minimize the chance for overeating. A lot of them include the following ingredients: guar gum, glucomannan, chromium, and forskolin.

4. Herbal appetite suppressants

Herbal supplements for hunger suppression are also a viable option for reducing cravings and averting overeating. Did you know that they also work by stimulation of the central nervous system or by giving a signal to the brain to secrete the satiety hormones? Moreover, a lot of them posses diuretic and laxative characteristics that elevate the bowel movements and urination, which results in an immediate feeling of being slimmer. These are several such suppressants:

  • Green coffee bean extract
  • Aloe
  • Green tea
  • Bitter orange
  • Garcinia cambogia
  • Yerba mate
  • Kola nut

5. Lifestyle changes

Regardless of how many supplements you add to your diet, you can never expect positive results if you do not make the necessary lifestyle changes that will correspond with what you want to achieve, in this case, to suppress your appetite in order to lose weight. These are some of the most important improvements you should make:

Enjoy food and eat slowly

Rushing through meals often ends up in overeating as the stomach lacks the time to signal the brain that it is full. Hence, chew food gradually and avoid eating while watching TV because the divided attention can result in overeating.

Introduce intervals in your workout

Adding pause periods to your cardio workout is known to reduce the ghrelin production which will quell your appetite. Great, right?

Get sufficient sleep

Sleep deprivation is known to increase the chances for overeating during the day and make us eat more calorie-rich foods. But, remember, too much sleep can also have the same effect! Therefore, go with 7 to 8 hours of sleep, (nothing more or less) per night to control your appetite easier.

Final Thoughts on the Best Appetite Suppressants

With certainty, in order to fight off our cravings and successfully prevent overeating so that we can look thinner and be healthier, we need to take several factors into consideration. Firstly, you should make the appropriate lifestyle changes and eat foods that will repress your appetite naturally. On the other hand, if you are struggling with obesity and frequent hunger pangs despite making changes in your diet and lifestyle, it is good to know that there are prescription and non-prescription appetite suppressant pills that will activate specific parts of the brain and minimize the appetite efficiently.

Reference sites:

  1. https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/features/foods-that-curb-hunger#1
  2. https://draxe.com/natural-appetite-suppressants/
  3. https://www.bodybuilding.com/store/best-appetite-suppressants.html
  4. https://www.dietspotlight.com/appetite-suppressants-that-work/
  5. https://www.wikihow.com/Suppress-Appetite