REVIEWED: 29 Best Diet Powder (Type of Contents)

Have you been shopping for diet powders lately? Confusing, isn’t it? There are so many types, so many ingredients and even so many flavors that it might be hard to know where to start. We can help you out in this guide. In this article we’re going to look at:

  • The most popular ingredients in diet powder
  • Which ingredients work
  • Some basic ingredients of diet powder you may not have ever considered

Let’s get started – here are the best diet powders on the market, reviewed.

1. Milk

We’re going to start off with something quite simple – it’s milk. You may find powdered milk in the ingredients list of your diet powder, or you may actually mix your powder with the white stuff from the grocery store. Either way, milk is very effective in helping you lose weight. And, believe it or not, whole milk seems to be the most helpful.

Recent studies have shown that because whole milk is less processed than skim or other “percentages” your body is more readily able to digest it. The fats in the whole version of your whole milk also help your body to absorb essential vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat – something that’s essential if you’re on a diet.

So whether your diet powder has milk in it or you’re mixing your powder with milk, know that you truly are doing your body good. Note that lactose-free milk is just as effective as the regular stuff.

2. Soy and soy protein

Soy products are frequently found in diet powders, with soy protein being the most common. In fact, soy protein has been linked to improved success in weight loss, so go ahead and grab that protein shake. Be sure that you’re watching the sugar in your shake, though, as some are very high and may actually lead to weight gain – we don’t want that!

In addition to helping you lose weight, soy can also help you to lower your cholesterol and improve your heart health. It’s also thought that soy may help decrease the amount of bone loss you experience while you lose weight. Overall, soy is good for weight loss so long as you watch the sugars!

3. Green tea

Green tea is one of the oldest drinks around, and recent studies have shown that it’s beneficial to your weight loss. Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that are linked to dropping pounds. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition states that adding green tea to your diet enhances the amount of weight you’re able to lose by way of exercise.

That is to say – green tea isn’t a miracle diet powder. You’re going to need to exercise. But if you find that your diet powder contains green tea, all the better! Supplement your healthy diet and exercise with a diet drink that contains green tea for faster weight loss.

4. Caffeine

If you’re not sensitive to caffeine, consider purchasing a diet powder that contains the substance. Obviously, caffeine will give you a bump of energy that may allow you to work out more efficiently and productively. But even apart from exercise, caffeine is thought to help improve your metabolism, so give it a try!

You should always consult a physician before adding additional caffeine to your diet. Too much caffeine can lead to side effects like headaches, an anxious feeling and even trouble with the heart. Before you add caffeine diet powder, make sure it’s safe for you to do so.

5. Kale

Let’s just set this straight – kale is not a super food. It’s not a miracle green that’s going to help you lose weight overnight. That said, there are some benefits to the plant that can help you in your weight loss. Kale is a very nutrient-dense plant, containing plenty of:

  • vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • And more

That said, there are those of us who think the stuff tastes like the dirt it came from. If this sounds like you, why not buy a diet powder that contains kale? That way you can take advantage of the nutrients without having to taste the stuff.

6. Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia cambogia has been around a while, but it became most popular around the early 2000s. It’s a known appetite suppressant and may even help to regulate your insulin. Usually you’ll find garcinia cambogia in diet pills but it can be found in diet powder, too.

Garcinia cambogia is beneficial to health, but the fruit is super sour so people don’t usually like to eat it. Instead, it’s dried and put into diet powder or capsules and used as a weight loss aid. The fruit contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid that has been shown in studies to regulate serotonin in a way that impacts your weight loss.

Talk to a doc before you start taking this diet powder, as some people may feel slightly jittery after consuming it.

7. Egg whites

Believe it or not, some diet powders contain egg whites. This is especially important to note if you’re allergic to eggs, so be sure to always read the label of the products you buy before you consume them! Egg whites are an extremely good source of protein and they can be dried to a powder which is included in some diet powders.

The good thing about egg whites is that they’re pure animal protein. There’s very little of anything else in egg whites, including calories. So when you add egg whites to diet powder, you’re adding only the good stuff and no extra sugars or carbohydrates.

To look at it another way, a whole egg has about 70 calories while the white has only 16. However, a whole egg provides 6 grams of protein, with the white responsible for a full 4 of that. That’s 2/3 of all the protein in an egg. In addition to protein, egg whites contain a little bit of vitamin B2 and selenium.

8. Whey protein

If you’re looking for a plant based source of protein in your diet powder, whey protein is a great option. Whey protein is filled with essential amino acids which will help you build muscle and strengthen your heart. You’ll also lose weight, of course!

Whey comes from milk. It’s the liquid stuff that separates from the rest when cheese is being made. For instance, that “stuff” that’s pooled on top of your yogurt or cottage cheese when you open it. Don’t drain it, just mix it in, as whey protein is quite good for you!

Whey by itself tastes pretty nasty, so sometimes manufacturers will flavor it. Again, make sure you take a look at the sugar content of your diet powder before you consume it. Too many calories will have the opposite effect of what you want to do!

9. Barley

How can it be?! Most beer is made from barley, and beer isn’t good for you. But diet powders made from barley are? Well, never mind how unfair that is, just know that barley (not the beer kind) is great for helping you with your weight loss efforts.

Barley contains a ton of fiber, which means that if your diet powder has barley you’ll feel fuller for longer. It also helps your digestion and your metabolism. Grains of barley also have water soluble proteins. These proteins will help build your muscle and, like fiber, help you stay feeling full.

Barley’s another ingredient that doesn’t taste very good on its own, so, as we’ve said several times now, read the label!

10. Dark chocolate

There’s nothing wrong with a little chocolate every now and then. In fact, dark chocolate (not that sugary milk chocolate stuff) can help you lose weight. So if you’re looking for a choco-flavored diet powder, look for one that contains this ingredient.

Dark chocolate is made from seeds from the cocoa tree and is jam packed with antioxidants. In moderation, dark chocolate can:

  • Improve the appearance of your skin
  • Help reduce your cholesterol
  • Help regulate your insulin and control your risk for diabetes
  • Boost your body’s production of serotonin

In addition, dark chocolate sends a signal to your brain that tells you you’re full. This can help reduce cravings for food, particularly sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods.

It’s okay to indulge in a diet powder that contains dark chocolate but remember, everything in moderation.

11. Baobab

This is a diet powder you may not have heard of, but now that you have you’re not going to forget the name! Baobab is a fruit that comes from a tree in Africa, though it’s begun to be cultivated in other places around the world. The green fruit is super high in fiber. That means it will help improve your digestion and keep you feeling full.

The fiber content of baobab is both soluble and insoluble which means that, in addition to curbing your appetite, this diet powder will help to regulate your cholesterol and your blood sugar. You’ll likely find that you have more energy when you use baobab in your diet powder.

12. Collagen

Collagen isn’t just for eye cream and lotion. Collagen, when made into a diet powder, can be very effective in helping you lose weight. In fact, there are three ways collagen can support your weight loss efforts.

First of all, collagen contains amino acids that help your digestive tract do its work. Stomach acid production is improved, meaning better digestion of your food.

Secondly, collagen can help improve your joint health. That means you’ll feel better, sure. But it also means improved performance when you exercise. Your workouts will be more productive, helping you lose weight faster.

Finally, collagen will help improve your sleep. Sleep, as you may know, is essential to weight loss. It’s recommended that adults get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night – collagen can help!

13. Maca root

Maca root is another of the less commonly-known diet powders out there, but this diet powder is backed by science as being one of the most effective out there. The powder is made from a Peruvian plant that looks like a radish. It’s got some nutrients in it, including:

  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Protein
  • Vitamin C
  • Copper

But in addition to these vitamins and minerals, maca root also helps to increase your blood flow. This improves the efficacy of your workouts as well as improves your cardiovascular health. Maca is rarely found on its own, as it doesn’t have a great taste. Read the labels of your diet powders to find one that contains maca.

14. Spinach

The biggest difference between spinach and kale is that spinach actually tastes good. Well, in our opinion, anyway. The leafy veg contains tons of:

  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Vitamin A

It also contains a bit of protein, too. But one cup of spinach only contains 7 calories. So when you add spinach powder to your diet powder, you’re getting plenty of nutrients that your body needs but with very few calories.

When spinach is added to your diet powder, you probably won’t taste it too much. If you do, though, you can always add a squeeze of lemon or even cranberry juice to your drink.

15. Spirulina

Spirulina is algae. That’s all there is to it. But when you add it to a diet powder, you’ll get some great benefits. Spirulina:

  • Is an anti-inflammatory
  • Helps build muscle
  • Helps increase energy and exercise endurance

It also contains many nutrients, including:

  • Beta carotene
  • Iron
  • A protein called phycocyanin

So, despite it being algae, don’t be afraid to add some spirulina to your diet powder or weight loss shake. You won’t even know you’re drinking it – until you feel the results, of course!

16. Casein protein

Casein protein is similar to whey protein in that it’s made from milk. In fact, whey and casein are the only two proteins found in milk. However, there’s a difference. Whey protein is digested really quickly, while casein takes longer to go through your digestive tract.

The slow-acting “power” of casein serves a great purpose – it supplies your body with amino acids over a long period of time. That means it will help prevent the breakdown of your muscles as well as help your body to repair after a workout.

Casein protein may make you feel fuller longer but it’s not necessarily a “weight loss” diet powder. Instead, casein can be used as a way to repair your muscles when you work out. Taking this diet powder daily can help you build muscle while you lose weight.

17. Conjugated linoleic acid

Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is a common diet powder among people who lift weights and work out frequently. CLA is a fatty acid that you’d normally get from eating meat and dairy products, but the CLA you’ll find in diet powder is synthetically produced.

Regardless of whether you’re getting your CLA from food or from a diet powder, the supplement has lots of great benefits! CLA:

  • Promotes body fat loss
  • Builds muscle mass
  • May improve lean muscle mass
  • May help to improve your BMI

CLA supplements are available on their own, or may be just one ingredient in a mixture of others.

18. Raspberry ketones

Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their red colors and tasty scent. It’s been shown that raspberry ketones can be beneficial in helping you lose weight, whether you take them as a diet powder or as a pill or liquid supplement. Like CLA, the ketones you’ll find in the stores aren’t made from actual raspberries – that would be too expensive to produce. Instead, raspberry ketone diet powder is made from synthetic ingredients.

So what are the benefits of raspberry ketones, and how will they help you lose weight? Well, raspberry ketones have been said to:

  • Cause fat to break down more quickly for faster weight loss
  • Increase levels of adiponectin, which regulates your metabolism
  • Help reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease

The more adiponectin you have, the skinnier you are and vice versa. So raspberry ketones could be super helpful in regulating your hormones in a way that will help you lose weight more quickly. Of course, you may see other benefits as well.

19. Cumin

If you visit your natural foods store, there’s a good chance you’ll see some diet powders that don’t contain ingredients you’d see in a big box store. For instance, cumin is something you might see in a diet powder that’s atypical. But as it turns out, cumin might be just what you need to lose weight more quickly.

Cumin is said to be just about as effective as orlistat, the prescription weight loss drug, in helping you lose extra pounds. It helps to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, too, improving your overall health. In studies, people who used cumin reduced their body fat percentage by three times as much as those who didn’t.

If you can’t find a weight loss powder that contains cumin, that’s okay! Just add a teaspoon or so into your smoothie, or cook with cumin to flavor your food.

20. Ginger

Ginger is another ingredient in some diet powders that comes from the spice shelf, and this root is more commonly found in diet powders than cumin is. Ginger naturally suppresses your appetite, making you less likely to crave foods and to overeat.

Studies have shown ginger to increase thermogenesis. Not sure what that means? Well, thermogenesis is simple – it’s a boost in your metabolism and an increase in the amount of fat you burn. So just a little ginger can go a long way when it’s a part of your diet powder.

If you have reflux or GI issues, chat with your doctor before you start taking ginger. Some people experience painful “burps” after using the supplement. If this is the case, you may consider switching to a ginger capsule or pill instead of a diet powder.

21. Turmeric

Turmeric has a long and colorful (no pun intended) history. Around 500 BCE, it was first used in medicine – Ayurvedic medicine, specifically. Since then, it’s been shown to help:

  • Act as an anti-inflammatory
  • Allow your body to absorb antioxidants
  • Prevent brain disease
  • Lower your risk of heart diseases
  • Prevent some cancers
  • Prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Fight depression

It’s also used as a food coloring! To help your body absorb turmeric, find a diet powder that also includes piperine. Turmeric isn’t usually easily absorbed by our bodies, so the piperine will give it a little boost. Hint: piperine is found in black pepper, so feel free to spice up your shake a little!

The main way in which turmeric helps you shed pounds is that it reduces inflammation. So it’s not a miracle spice, but with the additional health benefits it’s certainly worth adding a bit of turmeric to your diet powder mix!

22. Hibiscus

While you’re at the natural foods store, why not see if you can find a diet powder that contains hibiscus? This plant is a flower, as you may know, and when the herb is dried it can be added to diet powder.

Hibiscus helps you lose weight because it blocks your body’s absorption of carbohydrates. It’s a diuretic that will help flush fluids from your body, reducing bloating and giving you more energy. It also contains antioxidants, and has been shown to boost your metabolism.

You can use hibiscus diet powder with your other supplements or you can drink it by itself as a tea. They have a tart taste, almost citrusy, and people seem to like the flavor on its own. Note that hibiscus may also be referred to as Zobo in some diet powders.

23. Aloe vera

If you ever had a sunburn as a child, your mom probably taught you about aloe vera. It’s very effective at treating burns. It’s also a great mouthwash (though the flavor isn’t that great) and can help cure heartburn.

But what your mom probably did not tell you is that aloe vera is a great aid as a diet powder. It’s full of antioxidants which help to detox your body. Aloe vera has also been shown to boost your metabolism and help aid digestion.

Be cautious if you take aloe vera and have gastrointestinal issues. The plant is a natural laxative and diuretic, which can help you lose that water weight. But if you have existing GI trouble, taking aloe vera in your diet powder can lead to diarrhea.

24. Ginseng

Here’s another herb to add to the list of the best diet powders. It’s an Asian plant, though there are varieties of ginseng all over the world. The plant has long been renowned for its health benefits. So much so, in fact, that it’s illegal in America to harvest the plant on nationally owned soil for fear of extinction.

Here we’ll talk about Asian ginseng. This herb has health benefits to you as a diet powder, including:

  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Helping prevent and manage diabetes
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Increasing libido (an added bonus!)

Ginseng is a natural appetite suppressant, so you’ll be less inclined to snack and overeat when you mix it in your diet powder. It’s also been said that ginseng can help decrease your body’s ability to absorb and store fat. Add ginseng to your diet to enhance your weight loss efforts.

25. Psyllium

Psyllium sounds fancy, like something you’d only find in a natural food store. But the ingredient is found in many diet powders, even the ones you’ll find at mass retailers and websites like Amazon. Psyllium is a fiber that’s made from a plant called Plantago ovata, and it’s got one important purpose: it’s a laxative.

Now, if you take psyllium as part of a well balanced diet, you won’t get diarrhea from taking this with your diet powder. Instead, you’ll find that your bowel movements are more regular and easier to pass. You also may find that you lose some fluid retention from foods you eat as well as from your menstrual cycle.

One thing that people who take psyllium love is that it doesn’t cause gas. Many laxatives do, but psyllium seems to be one of the best ways to improve regularity without increasing embarrassment.

26. Fiber

If you had to choose only one diet powder to try, your best bet would be fiber. Science has proven over and over again that fiber is one of the most critical and effective components to a healthy diet, whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight or maintain your current healthy weight.

No matter whether you eat your fiber in the form of whole grains, fruits and veggies, or if you want to supplement your diet with a diet powder containing fiber, it’s recommended that you get around 30 grams of the stuff per day. Fiber will:

  • Make your bowel movements normal and regular
  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Decrease your chance of being diagnosed with diabetes
  • Possibly prevent some types of cancer
  • Help your body absorb important nutrients
  • Help prevent the absorption of fat by your body

As you can see, there are tons of benefits to taking fiber. When you choose a diet powder that contains fiber, use caution. There are many over the counter fiber supplements that contain tons of extra sugar. Opt for a simple fiber diet powder rather than one of those orange flavored drinks you’ll find on grocery store shelves.

27. Medium chain triglycerides

Your goal is to reduce the triglycerides in your body, right? Well, not necessarily. Your body does need triglycerides, but they’re a type of fat that your body just won’t use right away.

As it turns out, medium chain triglycerides can be very helpful in increasing your weight loss. Taking a moderate amount of this diet powder can:

  • Help your body better absorb nutrients
  • Help manage diseases like celiac disease and diabetes
  • Increase exercise performance
  • Decrease your body fat
  • Increase your lean muscle mass
  • Prevent muscle breakdown

Medium chain triglycerides, or MCTs are actually used to treat a wide variety of illnesses. In short, they’re good for you and an MCT diet powder can make your weight loss efforts move along much more quickly while providing other health benefits.

28. Flax seed

Flax seeds are also called linseed. If you’ve ever seen flax in the store, you’ll know it has a very distinctive smell. It also has a very distinctive set of benefits that can help you in your weight loss. When your diet powder contains flax seed, you’re in for a treat. You’ll be getting plenty of

  • Fiber, which you now know is awesome
  • Lignin, which is helpful in weight loss and reduction of blood pressure
  • Omega 3 fatty acids, anti-inflammatories that may help reduce your risk of cancer

In other words, these little seeds are powerhouses full of good stuff that will help you lose weight. As linseed is a fiber, it will help suppress your appetite and keep you from snacking or overeating. You’ll have the added benefit of more regulated blood sugar and improved digestion.

Flax seed (linseed) can be bought as a diet powder on its own or mixed in with other diet powders. And don’t worry – it may have a strong aroma but the flavor of these seeds is earthy, almost nutty – we think you’ll enjoy them.

29. Branched chain amino acids

Last on our list of the best diet powders is another that’s popular among athletes and bodybuilders. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are actually three different amino acids: leucine, valine and isoleucine.

Studies have suggested that, when used properly, BCAAs can help you build muscle. As you may know, muscle burns more fat than fat does so, the more the better, right? If you’re regularly exercising, BCAAs can also help reduce fatigue and soreness of the muscles, which may encourage you to work out more.

You’ll find BCAAs in foods you eat, such as:

  • Chicken
  • Whey protein
  • Canned tuna
  • Milk
  • Salmon
  • Greek yogurt

But for a calorie-free alternative to eating your BCAAs in the foods you choose, why not take the simple route and get your branched chain amino acids through a diet powder?


Many people choose to supplement a healthy diet and regular exercise with diet powder. But all those powders … they can get confusing! This list of the 29 best diet powders on the market should help you decide which is best for you, depending on your weight loss and fitness goals. Choose from herbal or synthetic, and enjoy the health benefits diet powders can provide!