Sugar Detox Plan: 10 Steps How To Detox From Sugar Addiction

Have you become overweight as a result of excessive sugar consumption? Have you been looking for an effective way to break the sugar addiction and encourage weight loss? Are you seriously dedicated to following a healthier lifestyle?

Thanks to our guide, you will learn beneficial tips to start the fight against sugar addiction and finally be able to lose weight and enjoy better health. When you stop eating added sugar, you create space for nutritious and whole foods that are crucial for our overall health.

Before you embark on this journey, it’s important to realize that experts believe sugar cravings are one of the major reasons why following a healthy diet is so difficult for many people.Did you know that cravings are your brain’s “demand” for “reward” rather than your body’s actual need for food?If you can stop at one or two bites of a sugary treat, this is completely fine; however, if you’re binging and giving in easily to the cravings, it’s time for some action!

With the help of our guide, you will be able to learn the following things:

  • Why excessive sugar is bad for the health
  • How to cease the sugar addiction
  • How to enjoy a healthier diet and lifestyle

If your goal is to break your sugar addiction, stimulate healthy weight loss, and put an end to poor health, stick with us until the end. We will present 10 useful and proven methods to detox from added sugar and look and feel better!

1. Remove it from your surroundings

Simple, yet effective, this rule of thumb means that you’re aware of a sugar-related problem and that you can’t resist eating the sweet stuff in your home. [1] If you don’t fill your kitchen cabinets with all kinds of candies, treats, and chocolates, the chance of overeating sugar will be much lower.

When you’re at the store buying groceries, walk away from the sweet aisle- you’ll forget about it quickly. To make sure you put an end to overweight and encourage weight loss, purchase non-sugary and non-addictive healthy stuff you can benefit from.

Social gatherings can also be challenging for those trying to kick out sugar addiction.

In such situations, where there’s usually plenty of unhealthy foods, including sugary treats, have a close friend or colleague to remind you of the promise you’ve given to yourself.

However, this process isn’t at all easy and there will be a lot of moments when you will fail in your efforts, but remember, this is normal and common. Don’t punish yourself for eating more than the cookies you should have and start again. The goal is not to give up!

Facts about removal of sugar from surroundings:

  • Simple trick, yet effective
  • Practical
  • Beneficial


  • Helps reduce sugar intake
  • Makes space for healthier stuff
  • You spend less


  • Challenging process
  • Other family members may buy sweet stuff

2. Find effective “rewards”

For a lot of overweight people, sugary treats are their main comfort food. Whether they eat them after a long day at work or when they’re feeling down and in need of a quick energy boost, sweet foods are omnipresent in our lives.

Hence, if we consume them excessively, they may be the main culprits for poor weight loss results. Without this reward, one may feel deprived which further makes the sugar addiction even harder to break.

If sugary treats are your to-go comfort food, it’s time to find a better and healthier reward that will help you give up sugar without missing it too much.

Luckily for dieters, there are a lot of options to choose from, even though you may think otherwise. [2] For example, instead of reaching for a cookie, get into the tub and have an enjoyable and warm bath or instead of munching on cake with your favorite TV show, prepare a yummy healthy dinner.

You can also go out with a friend for coffee or go to a massage. In these situations, it’s pivotal to self-care with other things, rather than sugar. These things should nourish your body without unwanted side effects and addictions, including sugar addiction.

Facts about rewards:

  • Sugary treats are a common reward
  • There are healthy/unhealthy rewards
  • Some rewards are addictive


  • Increase the energy
  • Help us feel satisfied
  • Healthy rewards nourish our bodies


  • Sugar treats are very convenient
  • Some healthy rewards may be expensive
  • Sugary treats are tasty

3. Don’t skip meals

If your weight loss efforts are based on skipping meals or fad diets, there’s a higher risk of the results being short-term and poor health. When it comes to skipping meals, it’s a habit which may also cause you to reach for fatty and sugary foods in order to cease the hunger.

This being said, those who’re overweight still need to eat every three to five hours to balance their blood sugar and minimize irrational food choices; however, the idea is to choose healthier meals that contain the right nutrients. [3]

These foods are abundant in fiber and protein, for example, fresh veggies and fruits and whole grains. Many individuals will normally ask: “Isn’t more eating going to cause overeating?” This won’t happen if you choose the adequate foods for the appropriate meals. In between meals, opt for healthy snack options that are sugar-free or contain only natural sugar, for example, a fruit or a piece of dark chocolate.

And, remember the importance of eating a balanced breakfast that has the power to minimize overeating later on in the day. Some healthy breakfast options to fight against sugar addiction are oatmeal with berries, eggs with veggies, yogurt and berries and seeds, and smoothies.

 Facts about meal skipping:

  • Common habit among dieters
  • Increases sugary food consumption
  • Has side effects


  • May lead to short-term weight loss
  • May help feel more in control


  • Leads to poor food choices
  • Deprives the body of crucial nutrients
  • Not helpful for long-term weight loss

4. Drink water

Did you know that the body cannot tell a clear difference between hunger and thirst?[4] Consequently, if you’re not drinking enough water and you’re also overweight, you may be dehydrated, but unaware.

As a result, you’re reaching for food rather than a glass of water and this may include unhealthy sugary snacks or drinks. This being said, make sure that when you feel a sudden urge for food, including sugary snacks, drink a glass of water first and wait several minutes.

If the hunger disappears, it means that you were just thirsty. If it doesn’t, reach for a healthy meal instead of a temporary sugary snack that can cause blood sugar spikes and drops. Weight loss is also improved when you don’t just drink water when you feel thirst, but throughout the whole day!

This doesn’t just help your weight loss goals and curb sugar addiction, but also betters your health in numerous other ways. What’s more, drinking water prior to meals may help reduce the appetite and consequently, avert overeating.

If you don’t enjoy the plain taste of water, no worries- you can always spice things up with a slice of lemon or lime or some cucumber for a refreshing and healthy beverage.

 Facts about water:

  • Important for the overall health
  • Hydrates the body
  • Healthy drink


  • Reduces the appetite
  • Nourishes the cells
  • Improves bodily functions


  • It’s tasteless
  • Excess water consumption has side effects

5. Eat fruit

At first, you may think: ‘How am I going to fight off sugar addiction if I eat fruits- aren’t they full of sugar too?’ Yes, they contain sugar; however, they’re abundant in nutrients too! Fruits contain natural sugar which is good for us when we eat it in moderation, especially for people who want to encourage weight loss. [5]

The mistake which a lot of overweight individuals make is eating a high-fat and high-sugar foods such as chocolate when they feel a sugar craving coming. The key is to swap these unhealthy foods for a fruit. In this way, you get the sweet “fix” and cease the craving.

Though fruits are naturally sweet, they also have a lot of plant compounds and fiber which makes them healthy and nourishing. For the best outcome in the fight against sugar cravings, opt for those slightly higher-in-sugar-fruits like grapes or mangoes.

Berries are also a great snack for those on a weight loss journey and struggling with frequent sugar cravings- they have a sweet taste; however, being abundant in fiber makes them rather low in sugar.

 Facts about fruits:

  • Healthy food
  • Contain natural sugar
  • Rich in nutrients


  • Help stop sugar cravings
  • Abundant in fiber
  • Weight-loss friendly


  • Excessive intake is harmful
  • Some people may be intolerant to some fruits
  • Not suitable for those on low-carb diet

6. Boost your protein consumption

To prevent overeating and minimize your appetite and thus, increase your chances for weight loss, increase your protein consumption. When you get sufficient protein, you help prolong the satiety and lower cravings, which can be of great aid when on a weight loss journey or looking to break a sugar addiction.

Believe it or not, when you get the needed amount of protein throughout the day, you lower the risk of eating late night snacks by 50 percent! Moreover, protein may be particularly of aid for overweight people when it’s consumed for breakfast.

According to a study, consuming protein for breakfast lowered the overweight participants’ sweet and savory food cravings. [6] What’s more, protein is essential for losing fat and building lean muscle mass.

But, there are so many other protein sources you can add to your healthy diet, not just the popular ones most people reach for like eggs and chicken.

To prevent your diet from becoming boring and causing you to reach for sugary treats, include versatile protein sources such as sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, guava, peas, red meat, ostrich, halibut, pork, salmon, peanut butter, beans, and legumes.

Breaking your sugar addiction has never been easier- you just need to have the right allies by your side!

 Facts about protein:

  • Vital micronutrient
  • Comprised of amino acids
  • Building block of bodily tissues


  • Beneficial for weight loss
  • Reduces cravings
  • Suppresses the appetite


  • Excessive animal protein is harmful
  • Possible gastrointestinal issues
  • Stress on the kidneys
  • High-fat foods increase risk of chronic disease

7. Regulate sleep

When you don’t get sufficient sleep at night, the hormonal balance is disrupted and you may experience bigger appetite and stronger cravings.

What’s more, the negative effect of sleep deprivation on weight loss has been scientifically proven- sleep-deprived individuals have a 55 percent higher risk of obesity, in comparison to individuals who manage to get the needed hours of sleep and rest. [7]

This being said, if you want to achieve your weight goals and detox your body from harmful amounts of sugar, make sure you get good sleep. This is also essential in the fight against sugar addiction. How does lack of sleep influence your appetite?

Namely, when you’re deprived of sleep, the body’s production of the hunger hormone increases and you end up feeling more cravings and you’re eating more often. This will also worsen your ability to recognize when you’re sated and you’ll eat more than you should.

Unfortunately, poor sleep influences your decision-making capacity and thus, the likelihood of reaching for junk and fast food, as well as sugar-rich foods and beverages, is much higher.

Those who’re overweight and have problems with sugar cravings should aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night and to avoid stimulants half an hour before bed. This will also improve the depth of your sleep, which is also a crucial factor.

Facts about sleep:

  • Important weight loss factor
  • Crucial for the overall health
  • Time for the brain and body to rejuvenate


  • Aids with hormonal balance
  • Reduces the appetite
  • Boosts our decision-making


  • Too much sleep can be harmful
  • Quality of sleep also matters, not just duration
  • Deep sleep may cause grogginess

8. Don’t forget about carbs

Often times, overweight people who go on a low-carb diet begin to crave carbs and sugar even more than before. This is because we need carbs to function and if we limit their consumption or fail to consume the needed amount, the body will ask for them. [8]

The problem is that one will crave cookies or cake, not a sweet potato or whole grain bread, which are practically sugar and empty calories and therefore comprise the weight loss. [9]

This is why it’s vital to fight off sugar addiction with the help of the right carbs, i.e. complex carbs. They’re present in foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, whole grains, and brown rice.

A diet rich in simple carbs can cause excessive insulin production which leads to fat storage and diabetes.

Hence, by reducing sugar and by opting for healthy carbs that contain fiber and nutrients, you reap amazing benefits such as balanced insulin, fewer sugar spike/sugar crash cycle, and less surplus fat.

Other great healthy replacements for bad carbs are green tea instead of fruit juice, mineral water instead of soda drinks, Greek yogurt instead of ice cream, and whole grain slice instead of a muffin.

Facts about carbs:

  • There are two types
  • Important for bodily functions
  • Zero-carb diets are not sustainable


  • Complex carbs are good for our body
  • Carbs supply us with energy
  • Help reduce sugar intake


  • Simple carbs can be very tasty
  • Too much carbs causes weight gain
  • Processed carbs may be convenient and cheap

9. Consume good fats

Healthy fats, also known as monounsaturated fats, present in foods like olives, avocados, fish, nuts, and seeds, aren’t just good for cardiovascular health, but their regular consumption helps balance the sugar and can be your best weight loss allies. [10]

Moreover, they will ease the removal of surplus sugar in the diet by keeping the body’s satiety longer. In return, the risk of energy dips in between meals and reaching for a quick sugar fix will decrease.

The key to breaking sugar addiction and other food-related addictions is to balance your overall diet, i.e. boost your fiber and other nutrient intake and minimize sugar, bad fats, and preservatives.

In this way, you make space for the stuff your body needs to function smoothly, including managing the weight. This is crucial for overweight and obese people, but also for those who want to start following a healthy and balanced diet.

Remember, when on a “quest” for a life free of sugar dependency, the goal is not to stop eating cookies once and for all, but to acquire more control over your cravings and consequently, over your health and well-being.

Facts about healthy fats:

  • Important for a healthy diet
  • Also called monounsaturated fats
  • Vital nutrients


  • Prolong the satiety
  • Minimize sugar cravings
  • Better the heart health


  • High-fat diets aren’t for everyone
  • Increase in fat may worsen constipation and acne

10. Manage stress

Often times, one can have strong sugar cravings because of psychological reasons that aren’t related to hunger and this is known as stress eating. When one is constantly experiencing high levels of stress, the adrenal glands will release cortisol, a hormone which boosts the appetite and motivation and thus, you’ll be more likely to eat, even when you’re not actually hungry.

Unfortunately, research points out that chronic stress is associated with higher craving for fatty and sweet foods, unlike short-term stress which can have some benefits. [11] Hence, high stress can lead to sugar addiction because sugar activates our reward system, same as drugs do.

In order to cease stress eating, it’s crucial to manage stress in the right way and thus, control your cravings better. If you’re overweight and you want weight loss, but you struggle with stress eating, it’s crucial to understand that stress cannot entirely go away – the key is how you deal with it.

To cope with it properly, you need to take responsibility you’re your attitude, emotions, and thoughts and identify the stressors. Today, there are various methods that help you address stress better and teach you effective ways to cope with challenging situations in your life.

Some of them include exercise, yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, relaxation methods, etc.

Facts about stress:

  • Affects the appetite
  • It can’t entirely disappear
  • Requires proper management


  • Short stress can be motivating
  • Stress increases our alertness


  • Chronic stress causes sugar and fat cravings
  • Chronic stress is linked with health problems
  • Chronic stress may impede weight loss

Final Thoughts

Sugar addiction is a major problem for a lot of people and one of the major contributing factors to surplus weight and serious health problems.

Breaking a sugar addiction isn’t an easy task, especially if we take into account its similarity with drug use- the more you have it, the more you want it.

But, it’s not impossible to kick sugar cravings and adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle. You just need to be persistent, motivated, and learn the right techniques to break your sugar dependency.

When battling with sugar addiction, what matters isn’t excluding sweet foods from your life for good, but taking things in your hands, i.e. being in control of the cravings.

Thanks to our 10 tips, you will learn the best tools for sugar detoxification and how to minimize cravings for sweet foods.

We presented specific foods and nutrients you should be focused on instead of sugar, as well as other lifestyle-related aspects that play an important role in reducing your dependency on added sugar and sweets and other unhealthy stuff.

If your goal is weight loss and a healthy lifestyle without food addictions, what matters is to nourish your body with the important nutrients, being physically active, managing stress, and regulating sleep.

When you eat the right foods, your body won’t need the quick sugar fixes you’ve been struggling with. Consequently, when you reduce sugar, your chances of successful weight loss increase and what’s more, your health will significantly better.

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