13 Quick Tips How to Get Skinny in Only 4 Weeks

“I wish I was as skinny as she/he is!” is definitely one of the most common thoughts that women and men have these days, do not you agree? The desire to be skinny and slim is nothing new; but, can it be achieved within a short period of time? Often times, dieters complain of having to wait a lot to see positive weight loss results and wonder if there is a quicker way to shed those extra pounds.

Getting skinny in a short amount of time is doable, but it requires the adequate approach and an overall improvement of our lifestyle. Besides transforming your nutrition and elevating your physical activity, there are a couple of other crucial “players” in a fast weight loss.

  • Are you tired of being overweight or obese?
  • Do you want a slim and skinny figure?
  • Are you looking for effective weight loss tips?

Is your answer to all of the above-mentioned questions an affirmative one? If yes, make sure you continue reading our article because you have come to the right place. We will talk in detail about 13 effective methods to get skinny within one month. You will be amazed with the results!

 13 Quick Tips How to Get Skinny in only 4 Weeks

1.  Improve your diet

One thing is for sure- you cannot expect to get skinny within one month if you do not set realistic goals and start eating healthier today. What do we mean by saying “realistic” weight loss goals? This means that before we start our weight loss journey, we need to fully accept our body figure, understand how skinny we can actually get, and be aware of our genetic predispositions.

And, remember, when trying to lose weight, the goal is get rid of surplus pounds and feel good about ourselves and in our own skin, not to be approved by others. Unrealistic wishes, for example, wanting to get skinny as a supermodel or lose an excessive amount of weight despite a naturally larger body frame can have a negative effect on the outcome and on your physical and mental health too. Instead, set smaller goals to keep the motivation going and to ensure a constant weight loss.

One pivotal way to achieve this is by maintaining a healthy diet throughout your whole life, i.e. diet rich in whole foods and low on processed foods, refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners. To make it easier for you to adopt a healthy nutrition, check out the list below containing the friendliest weight loss foods ever:

  • Eggs
  • Leafy greens
  • Cruciferous veggies
  • Salmon
  • Lean beef
  • Chicken breast
  • Tuna
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Soups (homemade)
  • Legumes and beans
  • Cottage cheese
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Full-fat yogurt

2.  Exercise regularly

Healthy diet and regular physical activity go hand in hand when it comes to weight loss. To be a successful dieter and get skinny in 4 weeks, you do not just need to better your diet and get rid of the bad stuff, but you also need to get the body moving. In addition to lowering the amount of calories you consume, it is also vital that you establish a workout plan and stick to it. Why is exercise so important for a slim body figure?

When we lower our intake of calories to shed weight without any exercise, we will lose fat, but also muscle. And, when the body lacks calories, it needs to find another source of energy, i.e. muscles. By implementing the proper workout plan in addition to a healthy diet, you can decrease the loss of muscle. Exercise will impede the reduction in metabolism which usually occurs when one loses weight. Also, exercise is essential in bettering the body’s composition and overall fitness.

How do we know which exercises are best for a healthy weight loss? Check out our suggestions below:

  • Cardio- any type of exercise that elevates the heart rate and makes the breathing heavy (burns calories and surplus fat)
  • Weight lifting (burns more calories)
  • Interval training, for example, HIIT or indoor cycling
  • CrossFit
  • Boxing
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Tabata
  • Rope jumping

3.  Speed up your metabolism

Did you know that metabolism is an umbrella term which stands for all the chemical reactions happening in the body? It is these reactions which enable the body to function and stay alive. Metabolic rate (often used interchangeably with metabolism) stands for the amount of calories the body burns.

The higher this rate is, the higher the number of calories burnt and the easier the effort to lose weight. In addition to weight loss, an optimal metabolism will keep your energy levels high and boost the mood. How can you enhance your metabolic rate and get skinny now? Find out below:

  • Include protein in every meal
  • Up your consumption of cold water
  • Do HIIT
  • Stand up more often
  • Lift weights regularly
  • Drink green tea regularly
  • Eat more spicy foods
  • Drink coffee, regular black and sugarless
  • Get sufficient sleep
  • Avoid regular cooking fats-use coconut oil instead

 4. Do not skip breakfast

If you want to get skinny, you need to eat a healthy breakfast. Why is this meal so important? Namely, our body uses energy for everything we do (including eating) and energy is necessary for storing, transportation, absorption, and digestion of food. This is known as diet-induced thermogenesis which, along with the metabolic rate and our physical activity, determines our daily intake of calories.

Once we burn higher amount of calories than the ones we consume, weight loss is imminent. Breakfast is known to activate thermogenesis and boost the metabolic rate, better than if you were to eat the same food later in the day.  Breakfast reduces the chances for overeating by decreasing the hunger. However, to achieve this, you need to eat the right breakfast. What do we mean by “right breakfast”? -A meal which will keep you full and prevent unhealthy snacking or overeating calories until the following meal.

Read the list below to learn the 10 best breakfasts if you want to get skinny in 4 weeks:

  • Eggs
  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
  • Wheat germ
  • Berries
  • Smoothie
  • Kiwi
  • Grapefruit
  • Tea
  • Coffee

5.  Prepare your own meals

Unfortunately, the average individual today often eats outside their homes, mostly because they are busy and lack the needed time to prepare their own food. However, eating a large-sized hamburger and fries for lunch or several doughnuts for breakfast is not a beneficial way to fight off surplus weight. In fact, these foods can do more harm than good. Of course, nowadays, there are a lot of food chains that offer healthy and nutritious meals; but the available options are limited. Unfortunately, restaurant food is frequently full of calories and fat and what’s more, you cannot control what is being put into the meal or how it is prepared.

On the other hand, at home, YOU control crucial food preparation aspects- you know the ingredients you include, you know the cooking oils you use, and you can regulate the portions. Therefore, whenever possible, try to eat at home if you want to promote a healthy nutrition and lifestyle and shed those extra pounds.

6.  Drink more water

By increasing your water intake throughout the day, you are enhancing the metabolism, removing waste, and suppressing the appetite. Moreover, by drinking water, you reduce the water retaining and thus, you can easily shed surplus water weight. The recommended daily amount of water is 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses on the daily for optimal hydration and higher chance of weight loss.

To ensure that you are reaping the most from water, check out the following tips:

  • Drink water before meals to feel fuller and prevent overeating
  • Avoid store-bought sodas and juices- replace them with water
  • If you find water’s taste “too dull” for you, spice it up with some lemon
  • Drinking cold water to speed up the metabolic rate
  • Drink water prior to workouts- it will avert muscle cramps and maintain the joints lubricated

7.  Walk those meals

Are running and cardio workout not your thing, but you still want to get skinny? No worries, you can walk and encourage weight loss. Therefore, after meals, take a 10-minute walk. By doing this, you burn several calories plus and better the digestive processes. Moreover, walking balances your blood sugar levels. Therefore, instead of reaching for the couch, reach for your shoes and go for a stroll.

8.  Boost your intake of fiber

Foods abundant in fiber are not just beneficial for weight loss, but for the overall health. They encourage loss of weight by boosting your satiety and prevent overeating. Fiber-rich foods require more time for chewing and this allows the body to detect when you are not hungry anymore. But, what exactly is fiber? Dietary fiber is a plant-based nutrient or a type of carb. However, unlike other carbs, it cannot be dissolved into sugar molecules that are digestible.

Hence, it goes through the intestinal tract unchanged. It is through this “journey” that fiber does its “magic”. It maintains the digestion optimal and bowel movements regular, manages the weight, and balances the cholesterol. If you want to learn the ultimate fiber-rich foods, read the list below:

  • Fruits and veggies (apples, bananas, raspberries, strawberries, oranges, exotic fruits, dark-color veggies, potatoes)
  • Beans- the most abundant in fiber are white and navy beans, as well as kidney and garbanzo
  • Legumes like lentils and peas
  • Whole-grain breads and whole grains
  • Seeds and nuts, including almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds
  • Popcorn
  • Foods with added fiber labeled as “fiber fortified”

9.  Reduce the salt consumption

If you want to get skinny in 4 weeks, salt is not the best ally to turn to. Therefore, it is vital that you reduce your intake of salty snacks like chips, pretzels, and other processed and canned foods with a lot of salt. These foods often contain sodium in excessive amounts because it is used as a preservative. Too much sodium can cause the body to begin retaining water and thus, you will end up looking bloated.

And, chips and other salt-rich snacks are made in a way for people to crave them and eat them bigger amounts. Unfortunately, one small bag of potato chips has almost 500 calories! Check out our suggestions for healthy snack variants:

  • Mixed nuts, salt-free
  • Greek yogurt and berries
  • Apple and peanut butter
  • Cottage cheese slices sprinkled with flaxseed
  • Dark chocolate
  • Kale chips
  • Cucumbers
  • A piece of fruit

10. Get enough sleep

Not getting enough or sleeping too much can interfere with your health and waistline. Sleep deprivation is known to mess with the hormones which regulate the appetite. As a result, when you do not get those 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, you are more likely to feel hungrier and resort to eating unhealthy foods.

When searching for the needed energy that you did not get from sleep and rest, it is not uncommon to find it in unhealthy snacks or big portions of comfort foods. What’s more, a study has shown that those who got 8 or more hours of sleep per night lost 56 percent more body fat than the individuals who ate healthy, but got around 5 hours of sleep only. To learn how to best manage your sleep to get skinny, check out the tips below:

  • Sleep in a dark area- turn off the TV, computer, and lights
  • Sleep in colder rooms, rather than in warmer ones
  • Go to bed every night at the same time
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks at least three hours prior to sleep

12. Opt for weight loss supplements

When you feel that you should additionally enhance your weight loss, it is maybe time to consider weight loss supplements. Nowadays, luckily for you, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you decide to take a natural supplement or a fat burner in the form of a pill or a gel capsule, when they are quality ones, they can be effective in giving the metabolism the much needed boost.

Of course, they only provide positive results if you already follow a healthy diet and stick to a workout plan. Weight supplements function on several different mechanisms. Check out the major ones in the list below:

  • Decrease the appetite (prolong the satiety)
  • Boost the burning of fat
  • Lower the absorption of fat
  • Minimize the consumption of calories

12. Detox the organism

In order to effectively slim down and have a leaner body, you should opt for a healthy detox plan that is created with a weight loss goal. More importantly, before you start an external body cleanse, you should understand what it means. Healthy dieters are aware of what detox diets are capable (or incapable) of doing. And, we need to know that our bodies already have their own detox processes that regulate the removal of waste from the body.

A diet rich in natural and organic foods additionally boosts them and eases the detoxification. Because of the increase in popularity of the detox industry, it is not uncommon to encounter fad detox diets that can actually do more harm than good. To help you get the most of a detox plan, follow these tips:

  • Opt for organically-grown and seasonal veggies and fruits
  • Prepare balanced meals (protein, fruits, veggies, whole-grains, fiber, and fat)
  • Try out different recipes with a variety of ingredients
  • Eat a healthy breakfast like oatmeal or chia pudding
  • Consume healthy snacks only
  • Drink water, smoothies, and homemade juices
  • Plan your detox diet in advance

13. Reduce your carb and refined sugar consumption

One of the best ways to get skinny in 4 weeks is to opt for healthier carbs and natural sugar. Eating too much “bad” carbs and foods rich in refined sugar and artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain. Though pasta, fries, cakes, and white bread are the “ultimate” comfort foods, they can sabotage your weight loss plans. In order to get skinny, it is vital that you choose the good carbs, i.e. complex carbs. They will help you balance your blood sugar levels and decrease the accumulation of fat.

By doing this, you will not just enhance your weight loss, but you will have more energy and feel healthier and even lose that stubborn belly fat. Why are simple carbs a “no go” for successful dieters? It is because they are deprived of all fiber, bran, and nutrients. And, they are easily and quickly digested and because they have a high glycemic index, they can cause blood sugar spikes. The body releases insulin to remove the excessive sugar from the blood and this ends up making you hungry soon after a meal. Unfortunately, you crave more sugar and more refined carbs.

Consequently, you can overeat, increase your weight, and in some cases, elevate your risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. Here is a list of foods rich in complex carbs that you should include to your diet:

  • Fruits like berries, bananas, apples
  • Nuts like walnuts, cashews, and peanuts
  • Starch-free veggies like Brussels sprouts, celery, tomatoes, spinach
  • Legumes like peas, lentils, and beans
  • Unrefined whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and barley

 Final Thoughts

Without doubt, every weight loss plan has its challenges, but if it is done properly and if you are dedicated and motivated, the pounds will start to drop. Before you begin your weight loss journey, it is vital to learn the “tricks of the trade”. Remember to stay away from fad diets that promise immediate results, avoid detox diets that require from you to starve, and reduce your simple carb and refined sugar consumption. When you think of weight loss, you should think in terms of improving your overall lifestyle and adopting healthier habits.

When you do this, the risk of yo-yo effects and health problems is brought to a minimum. Plan out your weight loss in advance and research all of the questions come up to your mind. A healthy weight loss is possible and these 13 methods can be your best allies.

Last but not least, take into account that improving your weight is essential for your health, not just your physical appearance. It is high time to transform yourself into the best possible version-both physically and mentally!

Reference sites:

  1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-ways-to-boost-metabolism
  2. https://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-you/fitness/what-is-cardio-and-why-do-we-need-it/
  3. https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/features/is-your-weight-loss-goal-realistic#1
  4. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/20-most-weight-loss-friendly-foods
  5. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/exercise-weight-control
  6. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/does-exercise-cause-weight-loss
  7. https://www.self.com/story/10-insanely-effective-workouts-for-weight-loss
  8. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/weight-loss-breakfast-foods
  9. https://www.runtastic.com/blog/en/fact-or-fiction-eating-breakfast-helps-you-lose-weight/
  10. https://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/lose-weight-sleep/
  11. https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/hours-of-sleep-to-burn-fat/
  12. https://www.gaiam.com/blogs/discover/how-drinking-more-water-can-help-you-lose-weight
  13. https://www.livescience.com/51998-dietary-fiber.html
  14. https://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/features/fiber-groceries
  15. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/29-healthy-snacks-for-weight-loss
  16. https://www.verywellfit.com/the-3-best-detox-diets-for-weight-loss-3495286
  17. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-weight-loss-pills-reviewed
  18. https://www.rd.com/health/fitness/8-fat-releasing-habits-to-help-you-slim-down/
  19. https://www.practo.com/healthfeed/how-to-become-slim-in-3-to-10-days-3420/post
  20. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/choosing-healthy-carbs.htm/