REVIEWED: 29 Best & Most Popular Diet Pills

Ah, diet pills. You don’t know if you should use them or if any given product is just snake oil. Well, we’re here to help. There are plenty of diet pills on the market that won’t do a thing for you. But, thankfully, there are some that just may give you that extra push you need to reach your weight loss goals.

In this guide, we’ll talk about:

  • The best diet pills for weight loss
  • The best diet pills to enhance your workouts
  • Supplements that contain both chemical and natural ingredients

Whether you’re just beginning your weight loss journey or are simply looking for a little extra boost, there’s something on this list for you! Here are the best diet pills, reviewed.

1. Green tea

Green tea is a drink, sure, But did you know it’s also available in pill form? Green tea is one of the most effective ingredients you’ll find in diet pills, and there’s science to back that statement.

In green tea is a chemical called catechins. Catechins are naturally occurring antioxidants that have been singled out as the “ingredients” in green tea that help boost weight loss the most. You can drink green tea or use powder, but the easiest way to get your daily dose of green tea and catechins is by taking a diet pill.

You’ll find green tea mixed in with other ingredients in pills, or you can buy it on its way. Either way, this is one of the best diet pills for weight loss available over the counter.

2. Caffeine

There’s caffeine in green tea, but usually when you buy the weight loss or diet pills you’ll find a decaf version of the ingredient. Keep that in mind while you shop, because caffeine is said to be a very effective aid in weight loss.

If you’re drinking a cup of coffee or two each morning, you’re probably getting enough caffeine that you won’t need a diet pill. But if you can’t stand the stuff, a caffeine pill may be just what the doctor ordered. Speaking of doctors, be sure to check with yours before you add caffeine to your diet.

Caffeine helps to burn fat, it stimulates exercise and aids in general weight management.

3. Forskolin

It’s a weird name, but forskolin is another weight loss and diet pill you might want to consider. This ingredient increases bone mass and boosts testosterone levels (yes, in women, too.) This is good for those of you who work out regularly  increased bone mass and testosterone means leaner muscles and a better fat to muscle proportion.

Forskolin is a plant-based ingredient that comes from the roots of a tropical plant called Indian coleus. As with any supplement, you should check with your doctor before beginning to use this product. So how does it work? It helps to suppress your appetite, helps to improve your digestion and helps burn fat by boosting your metabolism.

4. L-Theanine

L-theanine is another ingredient that can be found on its own or in combinations in diet pills. This amino acid is found in green tea, too! It’s an amino acid that has been shown to help aid weight loss when taken regularly. In addition, it helps decrease anxiety so you may be overall happier when you use L-theanine.

L-theanine is thought to work by reducing the amount of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a hormone that impacts the way your body metabolizes glucose. It’s not necessarily a bad hormone, but too much of it can lead to excess fat, especially around your belly, hips and thighs.

5. 5-HTP

5-HTP, or 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is another popular and effective ingredient in diet pills. This is another amino acid that does great things when used in conjunction with a healthy balance of diet and exercise. And, like L-theanine, it may help improve your overall mood.

5-HTP is said to help make you feel more full, suppressing your appetite. It can increase your serotonin levels, improving your mood. It also helps regulate your melatonin levels, which aids sleep. Sleep is essential to weight loss.

6. Ginger

You can use ginger diet pills to help you lose weight. Note, though, that if you commonly suffer from heartburn or reflux ginger may not be for you. Chat with your doctor before swallowing diet pills containing ginger as they may be a bit harsh if you suffer these conditions.

If you’re otherwise healthy, though, a ginger diet pill may be just what you need to boost your weight loss. Ginger does a few great things for you. It stimulates your digestion, it can decrease inflammation and it can suppress your appetite, making you less likely to overeat. Don’t want to take ginger as a diet pill? You can cook with it, too!

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is another cooking ingredient that’s found in diet pills. Most commonly found in Indian food, turmeric can help you lose weight when you use it in a healthy way. It contains the antioxidant curcumin, which has many health benefits.

In addition to helping boost your weight loss, turmeric can help bring down a high blood pressure reading, reduce high cholesterol and high blood sugar and can help protect your internal organs. In rats, turmeric can help suppress the growth of fat tissues. The pancreas is a star beneficiary of the benefits of turmeric.

8. Cayenne pepper

If you don’t like spicy foods but want to lose weight, you can find cayenne pepper in diet pill form. It’s not magic, it’s just science. When you eat hot and spicy foods, your body temperature rises. That means you’re more readily able to burn calories. You don’t have to burn your mouth, though. Just take the diet pill!

Cayenne pepper has a few other benefits as well. It can suppress your appetite, reducing your cravings for starches in particular. It’s also an anti-inflammatory and may help control your blood sugar. People with diabetes should talk to their doctors about taking a cayenne pepper supplement.

9. Black pepper

Black pepper diet pills aren’t as commonly found as some of the others, but they’re out there. In the same way that cayenne pepper can help you lose weight, black pepper can as well. Black pepper contains a substance called piperine, which has been proven to reduce body fat in rats.

There haven’t been studies on humans, to date, but the data collected from animal studies suggests that black pepper may be just as effective as cayenne pepper in aiding weight loss. If you don’t feel the need to take a pill that’s not 100% proven, why not just cook with black pepper? It certainly can’t hurt!

10. Gymnema sylvestre

Gymnema sylvestre is number 10 on our list of the best diet pills. This one’s more commonly found than others, but you may need to look at the ingredients on the label to find it. This diet pill isn’t necessarily one that’s going to help you burn fat, but it does do something great for your diet – it reduces your sugar cravings.

Gymnema sylvestre has a compound in it that actually makes sweet foods taste less sweet. Therefore, you won’t want them quite as much as you once did. That’s not to say you’ll never crave another bowl of ice cream, but you’ll be less likely to indulge or overeat with a Gymnema sylvestre supplement.

11. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is found both in the spice aisle and in the diet pills aisle. That’s because cinnamon is very effective in helping you lose weight. As you may know, cinnamon comes from the bark of tropical trees. It’s been used in medicine for thousands of years, dating back to ancient times.

So how does cinnamon help your weight loss efforts? Well, it helps to reduce the impact of eating fatty foods. It has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which means a healthier body overall. Furthermore, cinnamon helps to regulate your blood glucose levels, aiding you in your weight loss.

You can cook with cinnamon, of course. You can even sprinkle some in your coffee for an autumn treat. But the easiest way to be sure you’re getting your daily dose of cinnamon is to find a cinnamon diet pill at your local grocery or whole foods store.

12. Oregano

Oregano is an herb that you can grow on your own windowsill or in your garden. Don’t have a green thumb? That’s okay – you can find oregano diet pills, too. Of course, you can cook with the herb – it’s great in pasta sauces and on seafood. But pills are by far the easiest way to get your oregano.

Oregano helps in weight loss because it contains a compound called carvacrol. Carvacrol has been shown to reduce body weight and body fat in mice and rats, and can even impact the way your body’s genes and proteins use fat. Most people will not need clearance from a doctor to take oregano diet pills, as it’s a commonly used food.

13. Ginseng

We can’t make a list of the best diet pills without mentioning ginseng. Ginseng, like cinnamon, has been used for centuries in medicine, particularly in China. This plant carries many benefits, including:

  • It’s an anti-inflammatory
  • It helps regulate blood sugar
  • It helps improve your immune system
  • It can help you feel more alert
  • It may help protect you from certain cancers
  • It helps enhance your brain function

All these benefits, when combined, make ginseng a very effective diet pill. Taking ginseng, you’ll notice that your improved mood and increased alertness will inspire you to exercise. And, ginseng helps to establish a healthier body overall, which is essential to weight loss.

In addition to these benefits, ginseng moderates the way your body uses fat. It can modify the way fat forms, as well as delay the speed at which your body absorbs it. In short, consider adding this “superfood” diet pill to your weight loss plan for better overall health.

14. Green coffee bean extract

You can find green coffee bean extract on its own or mixed into other ingredients in diet pills. Either way, green coffee bean extract offers a great aid to your weight loss plan. Drink coffee? It’s not the same thing. This diet pill comes from beans that haven’t been roasted, as roasting destroys some of the compounds that assist your weight loss.

Specifically, chlorogenic acid is found in unroasted coffee beans and this compound is thought to be the prime “culprit” in helping you lose weight. Research shows that taking this supplement can lower body weight by around five or six pounds, on average.

Green coffee bean extract is especially known for its ability to help decrease fat in the belly and midsection, specifically. So add some green coffee bean extract diet pills to your routine and watch those sit-ups and crunches do their job more effectively.

15. Cumin

Cumin is another diet pill that’s also a cooking spice. Studies show that cumin doesn’t just taste good, it also helps you lose weight more quickly. This spice is usually associated with Mexican food – it’s the stuff that gives tacos and chili that nutty, earthy flavor. But when you take cumin as a diet pill, you won’t taste it at all – you’ll only get the weight loss benefits.

There have been human studies which have tracked cumin’s effect on weight loss. Those studies indicated that women who took 3 grams of cumin two times each day lost more weight and body fat than those who did not. Adults taking cumin three times each day lost over 2 pounds more – over eight weeks – than those who didn’t take cumin.

You can add cumin to your chili or your burrito filling, but for an easier way to get the benefits of cumin, just take the diet pill!

16. Cardamom

Yet another diet pill that’s also in the spice aisle, cardamom is effective in helping lose weight studies suggest. Most studies thus far have been conducted on mice and rats, but data implies that the spice is also beneficial to people who are on a high-fat, high carbohydrate diet.

Cardamom is specifically good for helping to reduce fat around the belly and midsection. However, it has been shown to also reduce the overall body fat a person carries.

17. Phentermine

Phentermine is available by prescription only, and it’s absolutely imperative that you speak to a doctor about it. In fact, the ingredient found in prescription diet pills may be habit forming, so lab visits may also be required of you.

That said, phentermine is very effective in helping you lose weight. The chemical is taken with meals and is usually prescribed as a slow release tablet. The way it works is by decreasing your appetite, making you less likely to overeat. Phentermine is a short term diet pill and is usually only prescribed for a few weeks.

18. Orlistat

Orlistat is another prescription diet pill that can only be gotten with a doctor’s help. It’s a fat blocker, which means it keeps your body from absorbing fat from the foods you eat. Orlistat is especially good for people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease, but may also be helpful for those with diabetes.

Unfortunately, though orlistat is a diet pill that works quite well there are a few side effects. It may cause diarrhea or loose stools, and some people complain about headaches and irregular periods when on the drug. You’ll need to be closely monitored by a doctor if you decide diet pills with orlistat are right for you.

19. Sibutramine

Sibutramine, like phentermine and orlistat, is a prescription medication given to people who are overweight. Like phentermine, sibutramine can be habit forming so if you have a history of addiction this diet pill might not be right for you.

One of the differences between phentermine and sibutramine is that sibutramine can be prescribed long term. It’s used for weight loss, but then also for the maintenance of a healthy weight. Side effects are the opposite of orlistat when it comes to bowel movements – sibutramine can make you constipated. Always use sibutramine under the guidance of a doctor and with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

20. Fiber

If there’s one “superpill” that’s going to help you lose weight, it’s a fiber pill. Fiber is an amazing nutrient that does wonders for your body, whether you’re trying to lose weight or not. In fact, it’s not even so much a diet pill as just a supplement you should take, regardless of your weight or BMI.

Fiber aids in weight loss, sure. But it also:

  • Helps lower your blood pressure
  • Helps prevent certain types of cancer
  • Keeps your heart healthy
  • Helps regulate your blood sugar
  • Promotes digestion
  • Helps you be more “regular”
  • Assists your body in absorbing nutrients in the foods you eat

So you see, fiber is a diet pill that’s got a lot going for it. Even when you’ve lost the weight you want and are on a “maintenance” plan, keep taking fiber! It can literally prolong your life and keep you in good health.

21. Raspberry ketones

Raspberry ketones have only become popular in diet pills recently. But studies suggest that they may be quite effective in aiding you in your weight loss efforts. Raspberry ketones are, in short, the compounds that give raspberries their color. But the stuff that you buy in stores isn’t made from raspberries. That’s because it would take as much as ninety pounds of raspberries to get just one dose of raspberry ketones!

To cut those costs (plus, it’s not very sustainable) manufacturers have developed a way to synthesize raspberry ketones. These chemicals help your body regulate the release of adiponectin, a hormone that everyone naturally produces. People with high levels of adiponectin are generally of a healthier weight than those with low levels.

When you have low adiponectin, you are at a greater risk for fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Because the research is so new, not many studies have been done on humans yet. But, as this is a naturally occurring chemical, it’s fairly safe to say that taking raspberry ketones isn’t harmful to your health.

22. Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia cambogia extract hit the shelves quite a while ago, and has since been marketed as a diet pill for boosted metabolism. It’s made from a fruit that’s shaped like a pumpkin that’s typically found in India. That said, countries all over the world have begun to plant garcinia cambogia fruit as it’s so popular nowadays.

The fruit works by limiting the body’s production of an enzyme that produces fat. It also helps to increase your production of serotonin, which may help curb your cravings for starches and sugars. There have been a few studies of this diet pill, and the results have varied. Some studies saw the herb as effective – causing an additional two pounds or so of weight loss over several weeks. Others say there was no marked difference.

There are very few, if any, side effects of garcinia cambogia diet pills. With that in mind, it might be worth a try to see if they work for you. Talk to your doctor first, of course, especially if you have health concerns. Most people say the only side effect of this diet pill is some mild digestive trouble.

23. Hydroxyccut

You may know hydroxycut as a name brand, but in fact there are several different brands. This diet pill is a combination of plant derivatives and caffeine, and it’s been around for about ten years or so. Hydroxycut gets good reviews, though there have not been many studies done. Officially, in fact, there’s only been one study.

People who are sensitive to caffeine shouldn’t take hydroxycut diet pills. The same is true for people with heart conditions. Always talk to your doctor before you take any herbal supplement or diet pill, including hydroxycut. You may have side effects such as a jittery feeling, nausea or irritability.

Again, pay attention when you’re shopping for a hydroxycut diet pill. There is a name brand called Hydroxycut but there are other hydroxycut brands as well. Read the label and check out the ingredients in the product you’re buying as not all are formulated the same.

24. Glucomannan

Glucomannan isn’t the most common or popular diet pill, but studies show that it really does work. In fact, three separate five week studies showed that people (not rats but actual people) can lose between eight and ten pounds using glucomannan.

What glucomannan is, is a special type of fiber. And we already talked about how great fiber is! This fiber comes from the elephant yam and when you take it it just sort of rests in your gut. While it’s there, it helps promote the health of the healthy bacteria and may help to reduce your blood sugar and your cholesterol.

So how does this help you lose weight? Well, other than feeding the good bacteria, this diet pill also absorbs water. This makes you feel full and less inclined to eat or overeat. You’ll take it about 30 minutes before each meal to reduce your appetite at meal time.

25. Conjugated linoleic acid

Conjugated linoleic acid, more commonly known as CLA is another popular diet pill on shelves around the world. It’s been around for a long time and is a favorite among weight lifters and athletes. CLA is actually a trans fat like you’d find in butter and cheese, and is naturally occurring.

Naturally occurring, however, doesn’t always mean healthy. Over the long run, this diet pill can contribute to diseases like insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin taking a CLA supplement.

With that said, however, CLA diet pills can make a great addition to your daily routine. The acid has been said to decrease appetite, help break down body fat and bump up the metabolism.

26. Bitter orange

Do you remember a few decades back when countries around the world began to ban the drug ephedrine? Ephedrine was an addictive substance that actually caused many deaths due to cardiac issues and heart attack. It’s a good thing it was banned, but the drug really did work well as a diet pill.

Fortunately, we have a substitute or sorts today. Bitter orange contains a compound called synephrine. Synephrine is kind of a “cousin” or ephedrine, but it’s not as strong. It can help give you energy, boost your metabolism and bump up your body’s ability to burn fat.

Be careful when taking bitter orange. This drug can become habit forming, just as ephedrine was. Always be sure to talk to your medical practitioner before taking bitter orange diet pills, especially if you have a history of heart problems.

27. Creatine

Creatine isn’t so much a diet pill as it is a pill that will enhance your workouts. It’s used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance performance and to help build muscle mass.

However, as you may know, muscle burns more fat than fat does. So if you take creatine in addition to working out and eating a healthy diet, it’s possible that you’ll be able to enhance your own weight loss, simply by building more muscle.

Creatine is usually found in drink mixes and energy bars, but it can be found in diet pill form. Don’t stock up right off the bat, though. Some people find that creatine doesn’t work at all, and it can have some pretty lousy side effects including:

  • Anxiety
  • Weight gain (counterproductive!)
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rashes on the body
  • Upset stomach

As always, and as we’ve said before, schedule a chat with your doc before you start taking creatine.

28. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a seed that’s used in cooking and that is very effective in helping you lose weight. This seed contains a compound called galactomannan, which sounds like something from outer space but is in fact a water soluble natural chemical.

In short, this compound settles in your belly and makes you feel full, suppressing your appetite. People who are trying to lose weight most commonly chew on soaked fenugreek seeds, but you can find fenugreek in the form of a diet pill, too.

Fenugreek tastes sweet and nutty, and many people enjoy the flavor. In fact, some people who buy fenugreek diet pills open the capsules and brew a tea with the contents. The seeds are high in fiber and can help with constipation as well as regulating your cholesterol and your blood sugar.

29. Rosemary

Finally, rosemary can help you lose weight when taken as a diet pill. This herb can be grown at home and dried and made into capsules. Or, you can find rosemary diet pills at your local natural foods store. It’s not the strongest of diet pills, but can help aid in your weight loss journey all the same.

Rosemary has been shown to fend off hunger and help stave off cravings. It contains a substance called carnosic acid that inhibits the formation of fat cells. It can also help to regulate your blood sugar and your insulin, further helping you crave fewer sugary foods.

You can cook with rosemary, of course, if you can’t find a diet pill that suits your needs. Rosemary is excellent on chicken and on pork. Vegan? No problem! Rosemary accents roasted potatoes nicely, or you can sautee fresh rosemary with mushrooms!


There are thousands of weight loss and diet pills on the shelves of your local retailer and drug store. It can be hard to tell which ones will work and which ones will not. This guide is meant to help you choose the best diet pills for yourself. Of course, you’ll always want to ensure that you check with a doctor before you begin to use any weight loss or diet pill. Medical conditions, medications and other factors may cause diet pills to be unsafe for you or simply not as effective. Whichever you choose, be safe and good luck using diet pills as a supplement to your new healthy lifestyle!